Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Brainwaves 10/10/06

With This Blog - I Thee Share

"I wish you would write a cookbook and I'd help you promote it - but if you can't write porn then you won't write" "I don't write porn" "Well if you can't write romantic nonsense or that blog diary then you won't write" "I have quite a following on my blog and it serves it's purpose in my life" "You probably don't have time to write in that thing" "Yes I do, I have a fan base and I schedule time to write" "I give up"

Ho Hum - Above is a conversation with moms. We have these conversations ever so often about alot of things and they usually go the same way. The most frequent however is about my writing. Now as of this date, I haven't written anything pornographic on this site, lol I used to write erotic short stories wayy back in the day when yahoogroups was jumping. I have all of my stories and they are still relevant today, but Zane (bless her heart) has made most of us sick and tired of eroticism - so I pass. I have another manuscript that needs to be made current with some editing but it's still relevant as well. It is geared toward about the only market that has some breathing room in the African American Dispora and that's Young women between the ages of 12-18, that market is sorely lacking in quality, interesting work by blacks for blacks. Now that's something I might complete, but as with alot of things in my life - I do them at my own accord.

About this blogging thing. Sometimes (ok alot of times), I wish that black people would spend a few moments wrapping their minds around at least one thing a day they have no understanding of. Do you know how far that might take our people? When I was introduced to blogging, quite by accident, by Rod 2.0 - I declared him my blogfather and I jumped into the scene head first. This was the perfect medium for me. I could spend a little time listening to myself talk and taking my own development to the next level. After THIRTY YEARS of diaries, it was time to let my voice be heard. That's all a blog is a written representation of your voice. Even if you don't have anything to talk about, it allows you to speak. For the personal blogger - it's the cheapest form of therapy out there. I am a believer that there is no new information out there - it's all been diseminated. It's up to you to find what you need. So blogging allows you to do that. Sometimes, when you 'speak' the answer reveals itself to you. I have seen some powerful and I mean powerful relevation over the year or so I've been on the scene. Stuff that has actually produced tears of joy and tears of sorrow. Writing about your life, even corners of your life is about as open as you can get. It's purer, because for instance, in a discussion group - there's always someone projecting their 'methods' upon yours. Sometimes you just want to live within what you live within and don't really give a fuck about how somebody else might do it.

I know that there's no telling (regardless of all the trackers you can put up) who is reading your work. I put my link up daily on my IM. As we know, just cause you delete someone, doesn't mean they have deleted you - I've been my screen name for six years now - Lawd who might be taking the time to read my stuff, lol There might be family members, though I will admit, I don't readily give out that information to them, I must maintain my M.O. in that family,lol. I know some folks from the job tune in sometimes and I know 'Highschool' members lurk and then there are my regulars like Aziza, Enigma and Monica (thanks ladies). And as with the networking of black bloggers, we all list each other and so there are folks who mosey on over just because I'm on someone list of who to read and I appreciate the love.

Karsh wrote an intriguing piece about where black blogging should go or needs to go. I find it interesting, or maybe I just haven't found, that unlike in our music etc. our sexuality is not being paraded around the blogworld. I read alot of blogs and some mention experiences sometimes, but I haven't yet run into an x-rated hetrosexual blog (I need to make that distinction) and as soon as I said this I need to be corrected Freakygoodman and Confessions of a Serial Dater are the two men who go that route. I think that we need to get better acquainted with one another - lay in the bottom of the ship and learn each others language. We are still a separate entity from mainstream bloggers (i.e. keeblers) and the most 'spice' is around our entertainment bloggers. As a personal blogger, I want some love too, lol lol I think an association, where we can identify our genre, meet others who write and weed out the I will update every two months folks would be great.

So you know what, I am a writer. My work is published Monday-Friday. I speak to an audience. I speak to myself. It satisfies the writer in me. I'll stop when it stops.
posted by Pamalicious at 9:44 AM | Permalink |


  • At 4:20 PM, October 13, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous

    Great post. And thanks for the shout-out! I LOVE to read the blog of a fellow, grown (lots of college kids out there blogging, but that's not really my deal), educated black person who has something to say about ... just about anything!!! I think I initially found your blog through last year's Black Weblog Awards nominations - and I was so happy to stumble across it, because you write so well. I love your blog because you really seem to let folks in. There's good fiction all over the place - but when I read blogs, I like a good dose of reality, LOL.