Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Brainwaves 9/13/06

I Got A Big Mouth!

The gift of gab - Lawd do I have it. I was thinking about this as I kinda talked to myself this morning in the car. I love communicating! I come from a lonnng line of communicators. It was very important in my house growing up to the point where we were required to write the entire Dictionary as a youth. Learn the language and you will get far.

I label myself a story teller. I can tell a pretty good story. I relay emotion and stuff well. I will have you dying laughing if I so choose. Ever since I can remember - if I'm comfortable then I'm yakking. This also translates into my passion about writing. Maybe I won't call it a passion, but once the electronic age appeared - I was one of the first to jump on that band wagon and the realization that there are new folks to talk to that I don't even have to see on a day to day basis - OH BOY! LOL

I spend so much time 'communicating' during my day it's not even funny. I can begin an email convo that will last all day long. I can talk on the phone to several people several times a day. I roam the halls of 'High School' almost daily chittering and chatting. I tend to try to get with men who enjoy a good conversation. CAUN and I sat in the home office last evening face to face and before I knew it we had been just having conversation for over an hour.

Between Blogging, stories and journals I have even more things to 'say'. Is it wise to be this talkative? I oftentimes wonder if for instance this blog and my previous one will come back to haunt me. This is now public information. I certainly am prepared for a future blow up of my "high school" dealings - got the plan on file in my head, lol - I also LOVE LOVE LOVE talking about my life. Another title I've given myself is humorist. Most of my talking revolves around me, my family and my friends. I tell life stories is what I do. My life is spread out all over the place. It's as if I'm compelled through these mediums to leave my mark, my life for the public to one day come across and see it all documented.

I have been called (whether it was a joke or not) an Attention Whore. I don't necessarily accept that label because I don't talk to have a person respond - I talk outwards to share. I talk because my voice 'seems' to have a place in the auditory atmosphere.

I was just at lunch today and held an entire table captive with stories of the impending wedding. Seemingly folks congregate around me to hear, so how is that whoring. I don't make up stories and I very rarely use others instead of my own.

Those of us who understand the power and uniquenes of our voices - speak out. Until someone specifically tells me to SHUT UP! I will continue to clear my throat, lol lol

Funny Mini-me is starting to exercise her right to speak and she's becoming an excellent story teller herself. She's quite emotive and does voices and everything. She has CAUN and I cracking up - - Like Mother Like Daughter.

Wedding Update

Well I lost a Bridesmaid. It's cool - no attitudes etc. here. I guess I just want to enjoy a wonderful guest instead of developing drama based on a title. I didn't know that I would get into the mood of having all arrows pointed to me - I'm not anywhere near a Bridezilla, but I want the energy of the excitement of me getting married to be as hyped as the energy I'm exuding.

I had an epiphany in the car yesterday and vows just came to me. I had said I wasn't going to have vows because everytime I've tried to I would break down and cry. Well these came to me and I didn't cry at all. So this must be it. Now if I can just get CAUN to not want to rap his - we'll be straight.
posted by Pamalicious at 2:13 PM | Permalink |