Friday, October 13, 2006
Brainwaves 10/13/06

Friday Fandango!

Brrrrr - the Hawk is starting to take some test runs! It was definately a bit nippy this morning. So glad Friday is here. This has been quite a 'not giving a damn' kinda week you know where and I can't wait to get up out of here. Friday the 13t it is, now isn't it wonder what wacko is going to take advantage of the folklore and do something crazy today.

My mind, for some reason, has been collecting some questions:

  • If when your legs and your ankle run together it's called Cankles - exactly what is that called when your ass and back of your thigh are seamless? You've seen it - there is no roundness to separate your ass from the back of your thigh - yet you have ass and hips. You can always see a panty line, because they stop at where your ass should be rounded - always looks nasty to me - poor things.

  • Why is the little boy that has begun walking Mini-me to the car looking like a young Terrell Owens. He has the most brillant smile

  • Why am a scared shitless at the future of Mini-me, CAUN, Me and....boys

  • Why do I actually feel a twinge of hate that she's going to bring all the boys to the yard and I never got that kinda attention

  • Why do I feel like I want to just fight some broads?

  • Why do I want to do a anon blog so I can really talk about some things?

  • Why did Mini-me find my My Space page and I felt compelled to delete it? As soon as I asked for my password, which speaks to how often I went over there, lol

  • Why in Class last night - I identified myself as practicing Psychological Egotist

  • If I get one more email with a Due Date on it - will I give an asswhippin?

  • When exactly is someone going to really go off and tell me they don't give a DAMN about how happy I am and fuck me and CAUN

  • Why have I been dreaming of giving CAUN a son?

So last nite I'm standing at the bookstore just browsing, when this Brother and his son come up. They are talking about books and what not and I am listening, because they sound quite knowledgable. Then he turns to me and says "This Author is really good" and I go "He sure is, I've actually read and own all of his work so far" and he goes "Thank you" and immediately I put two and two together (and had to laugh cause I would do some self promoting shit like that too) it was Travis Hunter. We chatted for a moment and I made sure that I let him know that I am very excited that Brothers are writing. His new book comes out on the 24th.

So tonite is Hockey, Thrashers vs somebody - chillin in the Suite. (I wonder if I could just throw some ice on somebody and blame it on the game, lol). CAUN is exposing us to different things and I like that.

Ya'll have a smackdown weekend and let me leave yah with something that can be used for Halloween - - PEACE!

posted by Pamalicious at 8:38 AM | Permalink |


  • At 4:28 PM, October 13, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous

    You ain't never lied about Mini-Me. That child is GORGEOUS! Keep those little musty boys AWAY! :)