Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Mindspace 1/30/07

Little Miss Sunshine!

Morning. Today my team and I have 'Insight Training' For those who have never heard of it. It's a personality test similiar to Myers-Briggs where you are assigned a 'color' and then you discuss and do activities to learn how to honor those 'colors' and work more efficiently together. BOO HISSSS! LOL!

We've had this training maybe 4 years ago and I was identified as a Yellow. That fits me perfectly. I am the social butterfly of the office. I am the one who always wants to talk and find out about you and gossip and hang out by the water cooler. I know everyone and get things done with honey all the time. I am the go to person if you are having problems with human interaction. I can't stand the stress of working and probably need to be downtown at Underground doing performance art, lol I don't see that changing much today.

I did get a kick out of the ways to approach a yellow which included: (1) Never just give them orders, engage them in conversation preferably about nonwork related stuff (2) Allow them to talk, they must have conversation and feel connected if you are to get successful work out of them. LOL LOL LOL Where and on what planet do people take the time to do that!? I work with a majority of the color 'Red' which are basically employment psychopaths, lol lol They are the ones who will sell their mother for a promotion etc. etc. I am like this dandelion in a concrete jungle.

Now the flip side of that is when I get angry - you don't want to see me when I get angry! Yellows are some nasty bitches when they want to be and the pendulum swings very wide. If I decide that it's just not going to work - then I SHUT IT DOWN! I can be the biggest pain in the ass and just zone out and you won't get a staple up in this piece, lol

I want to work on not being such a true yellow. I need some balance. It's like the last time I was like a damn caution light, lol I want to incorporate in particular some Greens which would give me an earthy feel.

I enjoy personality tests because I am so in touch with my personality that I like to see how I can tweek it based on these tests. I wonder if I will have more of a narccistic edge to me know because I have been feeling myself something awful. I wonder if that's helping me at my job. I wonder if I still harbor deep seated grudges, lol Well actually just at certain family members and that will be ongoing. My issues with some of my family don't require personality tests they require therapy and brainshock, lol

So this evening I will be back with an update on what transpired today in Insight Training. I hope I get some Insight into some of these folks.

The Followup

Well that was easy enough. I found out that I have made some movement. I am still totally in the Yellow spectrum but I have developed a bit more Green in my life which means I am starting to...care. The biggest thing is that in order to push myself more effectively I have to ramp up my Blue tendacies which entail being interested in the details. I work for a Red and a Green which to me is a good mixture. I work with someone who is pushing me off the side of a building and then someone who will jump and rush ahead to provide a parachute for me.

Oh and CAUN is definately a GREEN, I have to see what tendacies he has.

Here are a couple of things that interested me about the profile:


Because of her well developed tolerance of herself and other people, Pamela may appear detached and disinterested. Pamela may not realize that it is perfectly acceptable to receive without having to give in return. Pamela may become so engrossed with her own projects that other important tasks lie forgotten. She can sometimes be impractical and may neglect routine details that need attention.

She hesitates to criticise others and has a hard time saying no to requests for assistance. She would be better to speak up immediately when she feels that she is being taken advantage of. Because of her vulnerability in her relationships with others, Pamela may be rather easily manipulated by some.

Although she may not readily display it, Pamela can be so committed to her own principles that she develops tunnel vision. Pamela is so emotionally entangled in her projects that she is very sensitive to negative criticism of her work. She values friends and may tend to filter only their positive attributes.

Suggestions for Development

Concentrating on the task at hand
Taking life more seriously
Setting deadlines - and sticking to them
Questioning the motives of others
Sticking to standard procedures
Curbing her tendency to exaggerate
Focus on her own needs rather than those of others
Distancing and formalising certain relationships
Looking for inconsistencies and weaknesses in others' arguments.

On A Good Day


On A Bad Day

posted by Pamalicious at 8:18 AM | Permalink |