Monday, March 12, 2007
Mindspace 3/12/07

Monday Musings

What's up folks? This weekend has been a long, winding and interesting one. I don't think I've been home all of 5 hours over the weekend each day. I totally have been out and about. And YES there was shopping along the way. It's going to be quite sad when the well runs dry, lol

Let me tell ya'll, I have GROWN soo much. I have really tapped into my adulthood and I'm so proud of me. From my sudden cryptic weekend post, you know that there was a hiccup in the space that is CAUN and Stormeka, but it's blown past. I've never really been able to express and communicate with a mate without the feeling of 'rocking the boat'. You know that feeling you get, that you might not wanna mention something cause they may then decide to move on. What an awful feeling. Well I calmly and devoid of theatrics just sat and talked about it and we worked it out and moved on from it. It took a whole day at which time I also had to 'show face' because we went on with our plans and our day - but that's was a HUGE developmental step on my part and I think that CAUN faced some of his own demons and past as well. We grown and married, not going to let ANYONE rent space in OUR heads. But just a word to the wise, if you desire high ego maintenance men, then be prepared for that to rear it's head and it will have nothing to do with you. I always want some super fine and thinks it man and it's part of the territory.

So Saturday, I took a friend to lunch at this really quaint french restaurant. I love that place. As usual the food was good and we had good conversation. I enjoyed myself. Then she conveniently dropped me off with the fam who were at the mall and I sat while they had lunch and did a bit of window shopping and ended up getting a really cute shirt from Rainbow then I went and saw this HOT HOT HOT and did I say HOT party top at Ashley Stewart. CAUN took one look at it and was like try it on. I did and even Mini-me said it was real nice, so I scooped that up. I can't wait to wear that bad boy!

We moved on to another mall but along the way, CAUN kept putting this bag on my side of the truck. I finally picked it up and it was this dress I had been looking at but decided against. I liked the dress and it certainly will be quite cute on the cruise and for the summer with a light jacket for work.

We went to see Wild Hogs! Ok this is a great saturday afternoon movie. I laughed several times. I am a fan of John Travolta so that was a plus and he did a quick bit of dancing too . It was a great leave your mind at the door and just chill and enjoy the day type movie. I then stopped through Burlington Coat Factory and they had a clearance on shirts that were actually from the Avenue, lol So I got like 8 shirts in all the colors you would need a shirt in! I swear my wardrobe is going to be nice!

Ahh the car show. I love the car show. Dont' know why, in essence it is boring you just walk around and look at cars, but there is something about the 'dream' factor that works. We met up with Janet/Jermaine and Big Red. It's funny, I still am not all the way use to her showing up as a...mother. Here she comes bag and stroller and baby in tow and I couldn't do anything but smile.

Here are some pictures from the show:

Out of all the cars, CAUN and I quite liked the Lexus Convertible. It was nice and a perfect ride for when we get rid of the kids. I would prefer another color but it was niceeeee.

Mini-me started tripping right off the bat and went on the hunt for her 'Sweet Sixteen' automobile. She's gonna be soo upset. We are spending whatever the tax return is for that year, lol We are not having no note for a sixteen year old, lol lol I kinda welled up though when I saw her looking oh so cute in the convertible. She looked great in it. Now she 'crashed' by checking out her hair and lip gloss, lol lol but she looked cute.

I took one of my (I really recommend this site if you enjoy going out) coupons to Copeland's Bistro and we chowed down! We ended up even with the discount spending more than I had intended, but it was a good time.

All in all we had a great time this weekend. The sun was shining, we were spending quality family time and then had time apart to do our own thing, apparently we are without bills and financial stress (NOT) and despite some bumps and some sadness about some familial situations out of our control - we had a good time this weekend!

How was ya'll's weekend?

OHHHHHHHHHHH - one mo thang!

APB out on this man here!

Tyrese will be in town (Atlanta) Saturday, March 17th and I am on the hunt for the actual location. Some sites say Georgia Train Depot but I swore I heard Siman say "Taboo 2" if anyone in Atlanta has any information, please hit a sista up!
posted by Pamalicious at 10:15 AM | Permalink |


  • At 12:32 PM, March 12, 2007, Blogger Ladynay

    At least Mini me is getting a ride at 16! Lucky girl!

    Black Tye is gonna be in Raleigh tonight. Can't help you in regards to the ATL, sorry LOL

  • At 5:46 PM, March 12, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous

    Sounds like you guys had a good weekend!

    I had a 'relaxing' weekend (as relaxed as it can be with a 2 yr. old and a 4 yr. old - LOL), and it was LONG overdue.

    Sounds like you and CAUN made it through that hiccup just fine - and it was no more than that, a hiccup! He ain't going nowhere and neither are you! LOL!