Monday, March 05, 2007
Mindspace 3/5/07

Monday Musings

Hey folks! I hope that your weekend went well. It's funny how the beginning of the week can spark such a flurry of activity. I feel like spring is so right around the corner and I'm trying to force it into being. The sun beating on my face all weekend just felt good! When it gets to the point where you can take off the heavier jackets - oh yea baby!

I actually am getting a somewhat slow start to reading my daily blogroll. Just haven't felt like it.

I've once again added a piece to my hair. I just can't stop, lol lol Hair intrigues me. Here are some treo self portraits taken a few minutes ago. I like the whole springy look. My summer plan has been finalized! I will be getting a cornrow wrap for the trip and once that has went south in the looks department. I will be getting tree braids and that will be my summer look. I have decided NOT to cut my hair! Go ahead and grow it out. Putting it up in the tree braids will allow it to grow even more. I will maintain my relaxer however. I'm not trying to grow that out.

The shopping bug has bit a sista! Remember I purchased this stuff here:

Well I have now reached 98% capacity on my shoe game. See this past year when I put up my summer stuff, I liquidated most of my shoes. Mainly because they were either 'dated' or they just wern't in the plan for the upgrade. So this was kinda needed. I picked carefully etc. and so now with the following purchases, I only need to get maybe a pair of black/brown/white flats and that's it. I actually copped those sneakers on ebay for $20.50.

I also finally updated my book game as well. I still haven't gotten Carl Weber (don't know what I am waiting on), but I got the following today from Amazon.

Ohhh, the weekend, lol Well we actually had a wonderful weekend. We toured the Farmers Market. I love that place, all the sites, smells, sounds and food. I found some cranberry sparkling cider. Can't wait to crack that open. We then toured Whole Foods, which is our natural grocery store. CAUN found him some guacamole tortilla chips and then we proceeded to toss all that good eating out the window and go to Mary Mac's for dinner. Mary Mac's is a soul food restaurant that's been around since freaking slavery, lol lol but you talking about some good food. I always wanna just go in the back and hug those sistas and call em big momma, lol lol I had smothered chicken, cabbage and cream corn. Good! And I brought some home.

Sunday, we left Mini-me at home and just kinda took off together. We went to the mall and CAUN got his sneaker game up to par and we stopped by a friends home to return her treadmill and we just enjoyed each other and the sunshine.

I came home so clear headed that after I did Mini-me's hair, I cranked out 95% of my paper due this evening! It was quite coherent and concise. I should ace an A in this class barring any unforseen issues. I know some folks forget that I am in school. I graduate January 08 people! I am looking forward to completing this goal. CAUN begins school in March. It's never too late to use some brain cells.

Well I have been working on this for longer than I expected, and basically haven't said bunk - so let me just end it. OHHHH one last thing, today is the day CAUN begins dragging me all over Decatur on our power walks. Pray for me!
posted by Pamalicious at 12:11 PM | Permalink |


  • At 12:32 PM, March 05, 2007, Blogger deepnthought

    you have to tell me where Mary Mac's is. I haven't really found a spot here that I like. I like Chantrelle's but it is so crowded.
    I like the shoes and that green jumpsuit. All items actually are hot.
    Enjoy your week. Girl, I know about the hair. When I worked in a salon I used to be weaved down even though my hair is thick as tomorrow and it was past my shoulder. I think I had a chaka kahn thing going on for a while. lol

  • At 4:50 PM, March 05, 2007, Blogger Beana

    tree braids? what are they?