Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Mindspace 5/8/07


In the car this morning, I thought of my sista in blogdom Honey-Libra and the fact she’s been running a thankful page for awhile now. Others have begun to incorporate it into their blogs. I have been slow to embrace it because every time I roll the thought through my mind, it comes out crazy. However, I finally just said you know what? My stuff has always been to the left and this will be no exception. I don’t have to fit into some ‘formula’ for what I’m thankful for; so here yah go.

I am thankful…….

  • that my natural hair texture is only about 8-10% off from my Yaki 1B.

  • that though the body is stretched, I have no cellulite and very light stretch marks.

  • that in this country you can act a plum fool, lay low and come back – Mike is on the way!

  • that I have never been duped by no dude for my paper.

  • that I was bomb enough to have to be replaced by four women in my ex’s life

  • that the following actions are not part of my life journey: incest, molestation, rape, domestic violence

  • that while listening to Lisa Raye talk about the greatness of her man, I said “You don got yourself a CAUN”

  • that for some reason folks have decided I’m a good source of a lot of things.

  • that my child isn’t on a path to being on Maury trying to get pregnant on purpose

  • that there is no debtors prison

  • that my parents were militant

  • for my ability to multi-task

  • that I repositioned myself to succeed at my job, without losing myself

  • for all the restaurants in Atlanta

  • that I am wanted by most, desired by some

  • for the advancement of technology in optical care (i.e. thin glasses and contacts)

  • that I have haters

  • that I have ‘issues’ but no ‘problems’

  • I am thankful that stressors in my life come from outside my immediate.

  • for sunshine beaming through my window on Sunday

  • for the cuddling and love talk my man gives me every single day

  • for love

  • for peace

  • for progression

  • for stability

  • the discovery and development of Liquor

  • for my DVR

  • for my great legs

  • for boots

  • FASHIONABLE Plus Size Clothes

  • My Momma told me ‘learn how to type and you’ll always be able to find work’

  • that music is still alive and kicking

  • that I can’t see any reason for Caun and I to ever break up

  • that 40 some odd people took the time to come to Vegas for my wedding

  • that I have no remaining debt for said wedding

  • that I was promised money, a good home and friendships in all walks of life when I was little…and I have it.
posted by Pamalicious at 9:16 AM | Permalink |


  • At 4:39 PM, May 08, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous

    I love this list. I was rolling about you comparing your hair texture to your Yaki.

    I love your Momma's quote

  • At 7:16 PM, May 08, 2007, Blogger deepnthought

    I was laughing hard. at the same thing. My natural texture used to be close to the silky yaki #2. So I feel ya girl I feel you.

    good qoute from your mom. My mom said the same thing. I didnt listen. lol

  • At 10:19 PM, May 08, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous

    You should add "That you and your man can be intimate and it does not have to be physical." because he is thankful for that also.It keeps the relationship alive.

  • At 7:51 AM, May 09, 2007, Blogger Ladynay
