Friday, October 27, 2006
Brainwaves 10/27/06
We interrupt the usual Friday Fandango for a Special Bulletin

4745 Days On This Planet

I was sooo excited to be having a baby! It had taken me awhile to conceive and when I finally did - there are no words to explain how that felt. At 10:04am on October 27th - Mini me was born! I remember laying on that table and when they pulled her out (from the c-section) and held her up - she wasn't crying just looking around like WHAT THE HELL and she still has that personality today.

Her first name means 'Calm and Tranquil', her middle name means 'One Who Obtains Favors from Others' and her last name means 'Most Intelligent' and from the day she set foot in this world she has been exemplifying those very definitions.

She is definately my greatest work. Parenting is NOT - I repeat Parenting is NOT an easy job, I don't care how many folks you got in the house assisting. We set off into the unknown full of hope and then that following April 1994 - I sat and looked at this now fatherless infant and it all changed. I now just didn't have regular parenting duties - I was THE parent. There would be no arguing and fighting about child support, stupid games played between former lovers to try to up one in the raising of the child, no summer custody or any of the things that come with separation of the usual sort - this was a PERMANENT event. God help us!

God has watched over us. He gave me a non-tempermental child who has turned out to be one of the most compassionate people I know, in spite of her evilene momma, lol She has the best sense of humor ever and is a born leader. Through out her life, she has never given me any trouble.

I have protected her fiercely and exposed her to a type of life that hopefully will make her think twice about the false glitter and gold that is thrown her way daily. I have talked honestly and openly with her and not pretended I was never her age, but not confusing her by being her 'friend'.

I hear CONSTANTLY that apparently today is the day she turns into some kinda savage, that I won't be able to control. I beg to differ. There are 'growing pains' and then there is just uncivilized, disrespectful Children.

There have been trickles of that 'teenage juice' and last night - the flood gates opened as waves of crying jags and breakdowns happen in my house....over a pair of slacks. CAUN has never cleaned the kitchen so well, lol. Estrogen was in FULL EFFECT up in that piece and I know he was scared he was gonna get zapped.

I almost burst out laughing as the moment you almost wait for happened right on queue:


This weekend I think I'll get out my journals I wrote when I was 13 - what an emotionally draining time! Good Grief - I feel a breakdown coming on now just for old times sake. LOL

Whew Lawd! We got a LONG road to go and this is just the beginning of the redefinition of our relationship into phase two. This morning I unrolled the robe a few feet, because she has got to be able to begin to 'test' certain ideas and see where she stands on certain issues - but it's still being held tightly by me and it will continue to be until she is officially 'kicked out the nest'.

I'm prepared! I'll be picking up the Cranberry Juice tonite! LOL!

This morning was quite emotional for me as CAUN and I made our way up the steps with a mini-blueberry biscuit and a candle - this was the VERY FIRST TIME I've ever celebrated Mini-Me's Birthday as a....WE. I stood in the hallmark store in tears as I bought my very first - From Your Parents card. God is Good!

My how times flies! I am the mother of a teenager ya'll.

posted by Pamalicious at 8:41 AM | Permalink |


  • At 1:31 PM, October 27, 2006, Blogger Aziza

    I wish Mini-You A Very Happy 13th Birthday with your new family unit!!! Before you know it, she'll be grown.

    Where does the time go? My niece turned 12 this year, and I was telling her that I rememeber when she was a little baby, which wasn't that long ago to me. My friends kids are growing up fast too. Hopefully, I can have a crumbsnatcher before I get too old. *lol*

  • At 9:59 AM, October 30, 2006, Blogger Ladynay

    I am sending my kid far far away when her period starts! (j/k) LOL

    She is beautiful Pam, hope she is still enjoying her birthday!

  • At 12:46 PM, October 30, 2006, Blogger Pamalicious

    J Brother - yes I have all my journals from 12 until earlier this year. When I pass - what a great collection of who I thought I was, lol lol

    Lady Nay - Lawd yes, the girl is obsessed and possessed, lol

  • At 4:16 PM, October 30, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous

    Had to chime in and wish Mini-Me a belated happy b-day ... and to say (again) how beautiful she is! :)