Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Mindspace 11/28/06

The Wedding Planner


I can't believe it! I can't believe it! I have been having small little breakdowns because 53 days is cool but WE HAVE ONLY FOUR CHECKS TILL WE GET MARRIED and that's cause for high blood pressure, lol

I went through this period where this was all I talked about, but I caught little hints that folks were tired of talking about my love and my wedding - so I've shut most of that down. This is the greatest party I've ever planned and let me tell you it takes up ALOT of my time. I sometimes am happy, sometimes so worried I'm crying on CAUNS shoulder and then sometimes - I just have to focus on something else, but it's coming together and I truly think in my heart it's going to be beautiful.

I NEVER really get excited about clothes, so I've tried on dresses and things were okay, but when I tried on the two dresses I'm torn between and looked in the mirror - I looked like the most beautifulest girl in the world, lol. I mean all dewey and sexy and special - so now I need to make a decision and QUICK because they have to order the dress and what the hell is the cruel joke that I apparently wear a damn 7X!!!!!!!! (just joking but what's with the sizing of wedding dresses). The whole wedding gown thing is interesting for me. White is NEVER a friendly color - but some wedding white looks just right, lol

Also seeing as it appears that the only weight I'm going to lose is if it involves a colonic before the wedding - I now must go on the search for the type of foundation that will leave me with only 10% breathing capacity. THEN there's I won't be walking around in my wedding dress for four days and I am bamming my head on the table as I even think about getting my sexy on with some lingerie. I wonder if I sew rhinestones on my current bed sweats will her think I'm sexy?
At least it's relatively easy to get Mini-me and Baby Chocolate Pound Cake Ready.

Now couple my angst with the fact that I am marrying a Fashion Plate and you get the picture. Last I heard it was a Velvet Jacket. He doesn't want to wear a Tux - which is fine.

Then I thought about honeymoon. Initially we said a 7 day cruise, but this will be CAUNS first one and he is an active man and if all he could do was on that boat - he'd go nuts, so then I started looking at Sandles, but we really don't need a $4k honeymoon - So there is a 4 day cruise to Cozumel that leaves Miami, with an additional stop in Key West - we are thinking of arriving the day before and kick it in Miami and then take the 4 day cruise - that should be alot of fun! I promised CAUN I wouldn't change my mind, but you never know ...Sales for something even grander might be right around the corner.

I'm having my first shower on December 18th (what a blog that will be). I'm getting real excited about that - Ya'll know me and attention, lol This will be the job shower - My list is huge, lol I've been here 8 years and been to my fair share of showers both bridal and wedding and have coordinated even more and cooked for even more than that. It will be nice to sit back - even though I've promised all events will include my Curry Chicken Salad - I'll never get a break from that. "Janet" will be giving me one more and a bachelorette party - OH YEAAAAAAA!

I think it's the little things that are running me beserk. I have all these ideas and can't do them all and it's fustrating. My gift bags for my guest went from totes to probably chinese take out box size, lol I'm making custom IOU's for my wedding party. The things I do have, however, are from the heart and they have pamela written all over them ( and prominent traces of CAUN) and I think they will be well received.

Doing destination to somewhere I have never been presents it's challenges as well. It's not as if a hotel is doing all of your planning - you have to do everything but the ceremony. I'm glad that I am capable of doing research and asking questions. I have to figure out where we will eat. How to entertain people who might not stay at the same hotel we are staying at and make sure I see and interact with everyone. I WILL be bringing my no doze. CAUN is confident that everyone will be just fine - after all it's VEGAS and after the wedding and reception dinner - most folks will be dumping us to enjoy it to begin with Um, I hope not dayum!

So there you have it. I have two books the main wedding book and then the portable wedding book. EBAY has been a LIFE SAVER! I still have flowers to think about, and a thousand other knick knacks but I have my trusty lists and I have my sweetie and my daughter and my bridesmaids and everything will come out just fine!

As much as I love to share - no wedding prep pictures at this time. I think I'll post some stuff right before the wedding and where as I at first thought to post the website for the webcast - I think I will ask that you email me instead. I don't want some creep or someone who just wants to be nosy and negative participating in my special day.

I already checked and the hotel has internet - so I'll be bringing the lap top and checking in.

I guess now is a good time to let ya'll know that as of January 1st CAUN and I will be abstaining until after we become man and wife.............


American Gangstas premieres on BET tonite (Tuesday, Nov 28th) at 10pm

First six episodes of HEROES will be shown on Sci-Fi Channel (check your local listing a cable channel) Wednesday, Nov 29th beginning at 6pm
posted by Pamalicious at 1:44 PM | Permalink |


  • At 2:02 PM, November 28, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous

    it is to late in the game to start to fall apart. keep it together and you will get thru. i can't wait until you have your shower that sounds like the event of the year.

  • At 7:57 PM, November 28, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous

    Abstinence as of January 1? Say it isn't so, LOL!!!

    I can't believe the wedding is so close! It will be here before you know it!

  • At 8:27 AM, November 29, 2006, Blogger Ladynay

    OK, I am slow...

    You gonna have your wedding viewable on the net? WOW! I want the link when you do it and if your doing it. I wanna cry with the rest of the folks I don't know! LOL

    Things will work out, even the million and 2 little things! :-)

  • At 8:36 AM, November 29, 2006, Blogger Pamalicious

    @ Lady J - gurl you right but I am really falling apart as I try to do my budget for this week YIKES!

    @Monica C - Yea we thought that would make life interesting, lol

    @Ladynay - Yes Mam there will be a live webcast of our nuptials (we thought it would fit perfectly since it's a destination and we knew the actual turnout would be lower and that we met on the internet to begin with - technology has come a LONGG way - so you all will be able to share our special day 5:00pm EST)