Wednesday, March 14, 2007
mindspace 3/14/07

With the Quickness

Hey! I am getting such a late start, but I'll get it together.

Well the money train has come to a screeching halt. I am going to mourn the breakup of my relationship with the post man and the affair with the UPS man, but it is necessary. I am glad that I know when to stop. Now of course I was hanging over the cliff - but I have stopped. I have one more package coming and I did two returns and I'm posting two ebay sales this weekend - so the game goes on, lol lol

Mini-me ran her spill all up in the eye doctor yesterday and came away with a weeks trial of contacts! This morning she tore them up, lol So I'm running over and getting her a new pair at lunch. She just needs to slow down and it will be alright. We will do a couple of 'let US put our contacts in together' sessions and I am going to pick up a magnified mirror. She's kinda short to lean so far over the sink to look closely into her bathroom mirror. To sit down on the commode and put them in with a mirror would work better. Luckily my insurance covers all of her's. I like vision insurance. Times have come a long way. Now of course my blind ass costs like $125 for the year but that still isn't too bad. Glad we got that out of the way for the year 2007.

Now the Dentist was just damn painful. Mini-me marched up in there after not going for like 3 years (yea I KNOW) and has perfect teeth and didn't even have an abundance of plaque took 15 minutes and was free. My ass on the other hand, crawled up in the chair - had to come back when they had time, make an appt. for part 2 AND shell out $580!!!! However, part one is feeling GREAT! I can tell what bad shape part two is in comparing in my mouth. I go tomorrow and I'm gonna have fun coming back to work drooling and shit, lol

Based on above, you can see why the money train came to a halt. We got a cruise to go on. This morning was spent doing emergency work on the budget - first things first baby, lol

So how do you tell someone respectfully that they are depressing and you really don't want to hear it anymore? I am at that point . See let's just say there are problems, but then again there are always problems in my family. I have been hearing about these for a lonnng while and I have come to the conclusion that (1) hearing this day after day is depressing (2) my opinion is not welcomed because it ain't what they want to hear and (3) there is nothing I can do about the situation - therefore, must I hear about it every conversation and since we speak daily - that means every conversation. Do we not have one more thing to talk about. I don't talk that much about what's going on with me/us because it's soo opposite to what's going on there that it gets met with this long sigh........I am going to cut down on the talking on the phone right now for self perservation. I have to 'save myself' from the constant drama. I've always been this way - very protective of my own 'familial sanity'. I don't thrive off of that nonsense. The parties involved in this do make me care - because I have had a tendacy to not care, but in this case I do - but good Lawd, why must we thrive off of it?! DAYUM! I look at my family like jump ropes. I stand around and see when I should jump in and usually always get smacked across the face with the rope - therefore, I just prefer to go play somewhere else.

I also am OVA the whole - giving thing I had going on. I give because I feel like it and not because it's asked or whatever. A BAD habit in my family. Well now in the midst of the woes is always a "so and so needs - see can you pick that up" it has happen a couple of times and I've just kinda gone out and blessed the folks, well OVA, not the United Nations up in this piece. Sometimes I wish I had the courage to just really branch on off and let it all go - but that's actually not my nature, I do need family in some shape or form, I just REALLY wish we had regular dysfunction issues - and not the ones that we currently have.

(Now it's AFTER Lunch)

Ok so I got her three new contacts, so now we have two sets. Luckily she wears the same prescription in each eye. I've sat and fretting more and more about this whole 'my family' I might need to just be open and get some things off my chest and finally before I just end this - I have gas so I'm farting in my cubicle.

Don't act like you haven't before! So stay the hell out! LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL
posted by Pamalicious at 1:47 PM | Permalink |


  • At 8:17 AM, March 15, 2007, Blogger Ladynay

    I feel you on the money thing. My train has come to a hault too!

    3 years w/out dentist and perfect teeth? WOW!

    I could have done without that last part! LOL

  • At 8:56 PM, March 15, 2007, Blogger Weekends Off

    I never seem to make it out of the dentist for less than $300 and I just hate that. Who can afford that?? Not me. I need to go again and have some stuff done and I want to be knocked the .... out for it so that's more $$$. I'm glad you didn't end up spending a ton on her teeth, she lucked out!!! :0)

    I understand what you are going through with your family. Mine are still hashing out the same arguement that tore my older sister and her family away from the rest of us nearly 11 years ago. It started over my uncle not allowing her 10 year old daughter to wear a tiny bikini at Lake Tahoo (Tawho? Ta hoe? LOL) during a family vacation while there were a billion bikers present for a rally.

    All I can say is they drain you. They suck the life out of you with their problems and want to always be pitied. That's why they never want to fix the problem. You could have the solution all along, draw them a map to it, and they will detour past because they like their misery.

    Take it with a grain of salt and keep them at a distance, is my advice. Or go with the frame of mind that this is who they are, let it go in one ear and out the other.

    One more thing...I don't fart! :0P