Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Mindspace 1/16/07

Ooooo Love to Love Yah Baby!

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What it be people!?! Now that I have feeling back in my legs - it's on and poppin again,lol lol Am I the only one thinking that right now the Golden Globe is reevaluating it's nomination policy cause wayyy to many of ya'll won up in that piece last nite, lol

Well folks - we have come within days of the big event. I want to clarify that this blogs purpose was not to count down to the wedding, so I'll be back with new adventures and new stuff to talk about - because the wedding is an EVENT our life together and just out here in the world is the real adventures. I have all my lists and cross lists etc. etc. and it looks like I am Organized - Far as I'm concerned we're into the hours baby!

I'd like to thank the powers that be for the awful weather out that way, lol Last time I checked it's suppose to be like 38 degrees and raining, lol lol Lawd please let the sun come out. Glad we didn't choose the Gazebo!

So CAUN sent me an email on Friday that set the stage for the last 'real' post before we get out of here on Thursday Morning. Yes we are CO-Blogging for your viewing pleasure yet again!

Tito hand me a tissue........


(in no particular order)

1. The ability to make things happen when it looks bleak. That's the real woman in you. Able to make a good meal out of $15.00

2. Your fascination for pop culture. I enjoy having that guilty pleasure with you.

3. Your computer literacy. I have NEVER met a woman that knows about the new age of computers as much as you do. From jump drive to PDA, you amaze me with what you know.

4. Your femininity. Sista can work a pony and her 1/2 as in (5'2"1/2) inside joke.

5. Your past, present, and future. PAST: You did not become a product of your environment. PRESENT: You are not defined by anyone except what you are destined to be. FUTURE: Your plan is in action now and is no longer a dream.

6. Your love for Michael Jackson. A true fan would cringe at the site of "The Campbell Experience"(for those that don't get it, go see Dream girls)

7. Your motherhood. A lot can be told about a mother through her children. I am virtually giving you a medal of valor. Through it all, Mini-me is the epitome of what a girl is supposed to be, as far as how she carries herself when her mother is or is not around.

8.Your sexual appetite. You turned my fire into an inferno. You make me want to come home, snatch off your clothes, throw you on the bed and………..let's keep it clean.

9. Your love for me. We are not designed for perfection yet we seek it. I am nowhere near it but you still respect me, love me, trust me and believe in me as if I am. And I love you for that.

10. Your attitude to not give up on internet dating. Because I never would have met Mrs. CAUN David Ruffin,Ralph Tresvant, L.A.'s Finest Magnegro from the Leon Tribe.


(in no particular order)

1. His Balance – as a person who is always leaning so awfully to one side or the other, this man is a perfect piece of pie chart. He touches everything equally, humanely and passionately.

2 His peace – I’m not called Stormeka for nothing, lol Being a darkskinned black man coming up in South Central LA – he didn’t have it smooth. Yet he held onto and fiercely fought to keep some semblance of ‘peace’ in his heart. That peace has carried him – his personal connection to God, and it has seeped into my very pores…most times, lol He captured me by reminding us to not let people rent space in our heads and he keeps me by owning all of his space.

3. The Strength of his Shoulders – A man who can take ‘yours’ and make it ‘His’ without diminishing YOU. This is He.

4. His Man Swagger – there are all sorts of definitions of ‘manhood’ in this day and age. CAUN has his on lock. It doesn’t necessarily follow a definition, yet it follows a long line of men. He’s All Man – All the time. He has a heart also – and he’s not afraid to show it, feel it and acknowledge it. He is not caught up in the false bravado that men are not to suppose to show that they feel. To lay on his chest and know that skipping heartbeat is for real is what I love.

5. His Fun – I have NEVER EVER EVER EVER had this much fun in a relationship! The laughter is real and genuine. His heart is as vibrant as a 19 year old and that would make him 3 years older than me, lol

6. He’s a clothes whore – His sense of style has been fine tuned and he wears it well. I LOVE the fact that whether it be PJ’s or a suit. He is always rocking his A game. As a non-dresser, he inspires and makes me aspire to get at least one outfit NOT in the thrift.

7. His Work Ethic – I am anti-establishment but he has made me open my eyes a bit wider to the concept of…work ethic. His dedication and purposefulness in getting the job done whether it be at his job or loading the dishwasher – propelled me to THREE exceeds expectations this year.

8. His love and admiration of – his own damn ass! I just smile when I watch him looking at himself in the mirror or taking pictures of himself, because in admiring himself I see a confidence that exudes sexiness. Two folks in love with ourselves and each other, lol

9. His Relationship – The way he has time for me, he has passion for me, he has ears for me, he has hugs for me, he has help for me, he has strength for me, he has shoulders for me, he RELATES to me.

10. His doggie style – When he *$*&# and then Whoo Lawd right when )$@@_$#( and I start to *$&#&$)$# it all becomes so )$*#*@)$ and THAT makes him one bad mofo!
posted by Pamalicious at 10:38 AM | Permalink |


  • At 11:34 AM, January 16, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous

    Awwwwww love your lists! Just checking in...trying to make rounds...Buried in work I can't wait to see the wedding pics! Have a great time in Vegas!

  • At 11:46 AM, January 16, 2007, Blogger NegroPino™

    That was the sweetest......A man that loves his woman and expresses it is sooooo sexy to me.I m glad u found your King and u inspire me and hopefully my KING will be right around the corner for me. I can't wait for somebody to love me, enjoy me, and respect me UNCONDITOINALLY and with all my faults. COnGrats too....ENjoy!!!!

  • At 11:54 AM, January 16, 2007, Blogger Aziza

    Miss Lady, let us folks know how to tune into the e-vite to view your wedding on the webcast. I was wondering how all that worked. All this new technology. I'm going to have to get hip to it.

  • At 1:37 PM, January 16, 2007, Blogger TTD

    awww.. im so happy for ya'll! what hotel are ya'll getting married at again? i know u said it, but i forgot....

    girl.. i just read the post about ur weekend... lmao! i want to go to a stripper class... but i didnt know that they made house calls... i may have to look into that!!!

  • At 3:20 PM, January 16, 2007, Blogger Ms.Honey

    AHHHH AHAHAHA Why was I cracking up at his number 1 and your number 10 LOL...wheeww lord LOL...awww ya'll are so cute.

  • At 2:36 PM, January 17, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous

    Ralph Tresvant? LOL!!!

    You guys are just SO RIGHT ... so right on, so right for each other, so right-minded, so right-thinking ... so RIGHT!