Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Brainwaves 7/25/06

Don't Push Me Cause I'm Close to the Edge

Alrightyy currently as of today I have the following on my plate:

  • Move - this friday

  • School - Started back today

  • Work - new boss leaving :(

  • 'Janet' having this baby - I'm concerned and checking on her

  • Mini-me traveling - want to make sure that's going well

  • 'High School' Field Trip - Yep I'm headed to Orlando

  • First Day of School - my baby wil be in the 7th

  • Brother-in-law want's Mini-me in his NY Wedding on December 23rd

  • Thanksgiving is right around the corner

  • Normal Financial woes

  • Car needs tires and brakes

  • CAUN's car is on life support

OH AND.....


- Yep it's official CAUN and I are tying the knot! I haven't spoken about it, but I'm about to bust wide open :) - all of my original readers - can you all believe this journey we've taken and where it's ended up for a sista?! I am SOOO BLESSSEDD and SOOO HAPPY and if ya'll would just bear with me - because believe it or not - I do want to keep the blog going - just alot going on. Man so the last one ended with me finding my love and this one will end with WEDDING HIGHLIGHTS! GET OUT OF HERE! GIGGLE GIGGLE GIGGLE
posted by Pamalicious at 3:51 PM | Permalink |