Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Brainwaves 10/31/06

Scaredy Pants!

Ok why did I totally forget it was Halloween today, lol lol, but it actually kinda saved me because I was bereft of thought for this morning. Now I have to turn out all the lights and become a prisoner in my own home, because we don't celebrate Halloween and now I live in a subdivision where I"m sure some kids are gonna come out. I think I'll put a sign on the door that says "Be Safe and God Bless" that should get my house effectively egged, lol lol

I do have a fond if not sick and crazy memory of Halloween. My mom had taken us to see the movie Halloween - you know it wasn't the same back then, you went to see alot of stuff you probably shouldn't have, lol and was no more worse for wear. Anyhoo - I, of course, was petrified. I didn't want to go to bed or anything but finally I did. I remember swinging my legs out the bed in order to go to the bathroom and the hands shooting out and grabbing my ankles, but the rest was a blurr because I fainted. My Brother had positioned himself under my bed and lay in wait for the perfect opportunity to scare the bejeeeze out of me! Sick so and so!

Now being the sorta Gangsta Muslim (as CAUN calls me) that doesn't mean that we didn't get our candy on! We had tons of candy from school and from our friends looking out for us. We had such unique friendships - kids knew we didn't do certain stuff, but made sure we participated on some level with them. So yea my best friend would always make me a bag.

As a teenager, Halloween meant "Fright Night" at Six Flags! What freaking fun! My most prominent memory was going in the scary house. Well I have never been one to do scary houses and I was drug in the one I was in. I got maybe 3 feet if that much and something jumped out the shadows and I distinctly remember starting to fight and then being escorted screaming out the damn place and hypervenitaliting and from that day forward I have never been back in a scary house.

As a young adult, I have memories of going to the Halloween parade in Philly as well. What fun! Hanging out down South Street, eating fries from Snickerdoodles and looking at all the folks coming out for All Hallow's Eve.

This has made me think about what exactly am I scared of as an adult. You know it ain't even all that philosophically deep:

  • Snakes

  • Haunted Houses

  • Free Falling Amusement Rides

  • My Momma Dying

  • Losing another Husband to death

  • Waking up in the game Jumanji

  • Amityville Horror - that movie scared the shit out of me
  • A Final Destination Moment

That's all I can think of right now - but that's a damn nuff. So folks, be SAFE, Watch your kids, Watch that candy and don't stop by my house cause you gets NADA!


posted by Pamalicious at 9:34 AM | Permalink | 1 comments
Monday, October 30, 2006
Brainwaves 10/30/06

Monday Musings

What it be people! Ya'll know Monday's are a bit hectic for me, they gotta let me know how many bags of cotton I'm required to pick for the week and then I have to figure out how the hell I'm going to escape this time, lol,but here I am!

Hope folks had a good weekend. Hope everyone turned their clocks back and put some new batteries in their smoke detectors.

So I've been the mother of a teenager for a couple of days now and things are back to status quo - she's locked in her room and we're downstairs living life, lol It's all good though - Here is our official B'day picture we've been taking this shot since she was little - measuring her against me - well by next year I'll be peeking out from behind her obviously.

Proud of myself ya'll. I did get up on Saturday and walk the 3 miles in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer. CAUN and I did the walk and it was cool.

I also met up with my BTW crowd and hung out. I loves those folks! I loves my HS! but let me tell you - there is nothing more life affirming than Karoke in the hood, lol lol You talking about funny! There is soo much talent walking around on this planet! However, to see a late fifties man singing Young Joc "It's Going Down" and outdancing most of the young folks is priceless. Next weekend is homecoming and I got a full schedule, because I'm all up in it!

Wedding Update - invitations out the door, so now the fun begins!! Next Check deposit on my dress and purchasing of Mini-Me's dress for her Uncles wedding. Also beginning to look at bouquets etc. There's a fun project for me.

Yes I did watch the Flava Flav Reunion: I wonder if we could get a Fear Factor - Flava Flav edition? The whole lot of them are women I wouldn't even want to encounter in the bathroom - less known in my personal circle. Would you not die from self inflicted wounds if everytime you turned around Flavs erect penis was in the crack of your ass (DEELICIOUS)?! It really makes you think about how you are projecting yourself and it makes me more and more become a member of the I Don't Like Niggas Either society. Being snooty has it's place. See ya'll for the new show "I Love NY" LOL LOL LOL.

Something brewing on my mind that doesn't necessarily deserve full blog space:

Why does it seem like Black People are obsessed with sex and the pursuit of sex? I just really have been listening and looking lately and it seems like (real or perceived) that is ALL we have going on.

I know all about the 'stereotype' that we are these insatiable creatures - but you know from my minds eye - out of all the things we have been deprived of in this country - sex ain't one of them. We've always (for the most part) been able to get at it - so why does our music and movies and what not spend sooo much time on it.

It seems that for the keeblers it is a goal all the way through college, but then their movies etc. take on a different turn - but we got very grown men (for example the Ying Yang Twins) who spend wayy to much time on the pursuit of ass. We got a whole show (Flav Flav) about the pursuit of ass.

We almost use the internet exclusively (of course this is a stretch) in the pursuit of, revealment of and search for....ass, lol

posted by Pamalicious at 12:03 PM | Permalink | 6 comments
Friday, October 27, 2006
Brainwaves 10/27/06
We interrupt the usual Friday Fandango for a Special Bulletin

4745 Days On This Planet

I was sooo excited to be having a baby! It had taken me awhile to conceive and when I finally did - there are no words to explain how that felt. At 10:04am on October 27th - Mini me was born! I remember laying on that table and when they pulled her out (from the c-section) and held her up - she wasn't crying just looking around like WHAT THE HELL and she still has that personality today.

Her first name means 'Calm and Tranquil', her middle name means 'One Who Obtains Favors from Others' and her last name means 'Most Intelligent' and from the day she set foot in this world she has been exemplifying those very definitions.

She is definately my greatest work. Parenting is NOT - I repeat Parenting is NOT an easy job, I don't care how many folks you got in the house assisting. We set off into the unknown full of hope and then that following April 1994 - I sat and looked at this now fatherless infant and it all changed. I now just didn't have regular parenting duties - I was THE parent. There would be no arguing and fighting about child support, stupid games played between former lovers to try to up one in the raising of the child, no summer custody or any of the things that come with separation of the usual sort - this was a PERMANENT event. God help us!

God has watched over us. He gave me a non-tempermental child who has turned out to be one of the most compassionate people I know, in spite of her evilene momma, lol She has the best sense of humor ever and is a born leader. Through out her life, she has never given me any trouble.

I have protected her fiercely and exposed her to a type of life that hopefully will make her think twice about the false glitter and gold that is thrown her way daily. I have talked honestly and openly with her and not pretended I was never her age, but not confusing her by being her 'friend'.

I hear CONSTANTLY that apparently today is the day she turns into some kinda savage, that I won't be able to control. I beg to differ. There are 'growing pains' and then there is just uncivilized, disrespectful Children.

There have been trickles of that 'teenage juice' and last night - the flood gates opened as waves of crying jags and breakdowns happen in my house....over a pair of slacks. CAUN has never cleaned the kitchen so well, lol. Estrogen was in FULL EFFECT up in that piece and I know he was scared he was gonna get zapped.

I almost burst out laughing as the moment you almost wait for happened right on queue:


This weekend I think I'll get out my journals I wrote when I was 13 - what an emotionally draining time! Good Grief - I feel a breakdown coming on now just for old times sake. LOL

Whew Lawd! We got a LONG road to go and this is just the beginning of the redefinition of our relationship into phase two. This morning I unrolled the robe a few feet, because she has got to be able to begin to 'test' certain ideas and see where she stands on certain issues - but it's still being held tightly by me and it will continue to be until she is officially 'kicked out the nest'.

I'm prepared! I'll be picking up the Cranberry Juice tonite! LOL!

This morning was quite emotional for me as CAUN and I made our way up the steps with a mini-blueberry biscuit and a candle - this was the VERY FIRST TIME I've ever celebrated Mini-Me's Birthday as a....WE. I stood in the hallmark store in tears as I bought my very first - From Your Parents card. God is Good!

My how times flies! I am the mother of a teenager ya'll.

posted by Pamalicious at 8:41 AM | Permalink | 4 comments
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Brainwaves 10/26/06

Singledom - Glad to be Giving it Up!!

Someone told me that I don't look single anymore - now I'm not sure what the hell that means, but it did give me some thought for todays blog. As of December 2005, I had been single 11 1/2 years. Yep! I used to hate telling people that, only because then you had to quantify by saying you had been in relationships just not married. Saying that doesn't make it any better. It's funny how another single person will decide that you're pitiful because you're single..just like their asses, lol.

As I have been reflecting back on the past and of course, now with it being clouded by love - or maybe made clearer by love, I can say that, though it went on longer than I might have wanted; it was a necessary chapter in my life. However - this ain't another I'M SO IN LOVE POST!

The lazy days of just sitting around internetting and watching TV are for the most part GONE! However, there was a certain level of ' pitifulness' when I did have all that time. When I think back over the amount of time I spent on the internet, frankly I'm embarassed to a certain degree. There is nothing wrong with the net and I will FOREVER be addicted, but there were periods where it was my whole life. Not being single anymore has given me a whole new outlook on that beast and the people I was dealing with when I was on there. It - ain't - the -same.

I never was a sista that 'came up' while I was single,lol I have no reciepts of any bills paid by no man while I was single. I never could figure that one out, lol

I always was so conflicted about my ultimate goal and short range ones such as physical needs. I did without for many a time because I could never reconcile the giving of myself for....nothing.

I never was the one that garnered the attention when attention is wanted. Such as I am the official pocketbook holder at clubs etc. I NEVER get asked to dance! NEVER! We used to go out and if I wasn't dancing with my girlfriends or dancing with a classmate then I wasn't dancing. I guess I just didn't look like the dancing kind.

I was single with child, which meant my range of motion was from the mailbox and back. What the hell happened to the teenage babysitter!?! I had money to spend but in the entire time - I had to rely on friends etc. cause I never got that babysitting thang worked out. This was stupid because the folks I knew were the folks I wanted to GO OUT WITH. I spent alot of time having a drink in the living room in honor of what I would have had going out.

Some people really do thrive in being single - it allows them them freedom to do them like no other situation. When you are with someone - you no longer belong to you and some people need to feel that self ownership. I know some VERY happy single people. I wasn't an unhappy single person - but it was not for me. I thrive better under the umbrella of relationship. My days are different now, my plans are different, my vision of life is different. My bout of singledom was obviusly divinely sanctioned and necessary for my development - but it certainly was not something I would have planned. Back in the day I used to wonder how my life would have turned out (1) if my husband had not been murdered and (2) if I had of been widowed without child. These are natural thoughts. God IS the best knower cause I think that I would have tapped into my inner deviant fo sho, lol lol lol

I pulled my single membership card out my wallet, some folks believe that until you say I DO - that card is still valid, but I married CAUN in my heart on the third date (now that should send folks into hysterics, lol) - so it's just in my wallet. I could keep it there for 'comfort' sake - but Nah, that's like a crack addict keeping a rock in the glove department while saying they are clean. Singledom served it's purpose - I am respectful of it and the game and admire my sistas (and brothers) who are doing the single thang - but I already got the lamination for THIS:

posted by Pamalicious at 3:53 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Brainwaves 10/25/06

Wayback Wednesdays

My favorite day of the week! I've been focusing on taking us back musically lately, but wayback is about alot more. It's about a time period where we didn't have bills, we didn't have stress and we could go outside and play! Going back here calms me and I hope the memories you have of this time period are just as wonderful as mine.

So without further adieu and not alot of words - go get you some Captain Crunch or Sugar Smacks, get the pliers and flip the channel and let's go back wayyy back....

If Only I had Super Powers!




And last but not least - in a day when you piled into the car and went to the Starlight Drive In on Moreland Avenue, cause nobody thought anything about 'scarring the kids'


posted by Pamalicious at 8:30 AM | Permalink | 3 comments
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Brainwaves 10/24/06

Blow Up Doll

Believe it or not - all through elementary school my nickname was Olive Voyl, because I was skinny as skinny could be. My mom was short and she always got admiring looks and was/is considered a very attractive woman. She never mentioned diet, weight, etc. It was just not something I grew up with. Now we always mentioned eating properly. Being in the nation, there was a slew of things we didn't eat and we fasted during Ramadan and we didn't eat alot of junk cause back then yo momma cooked nightly.

I hit my growth spurt when I was about 11 but it ended just as quickly. I was 5'2 and weighed 110 pounds straight through HS and college. I never had any self esteem problems about my weight or anything. Never even crossed my mind - especially not when every other square inch of you was CORNY AS HELL! Dealing with the coke bottle glasses took up most of my time. I always have had KILLER legs and a end table ass (as oppose to the ever sought after coffee table ass). I rocked a 34C all during this time as well - so the 'girls' were quite perky as well. I had NO figure issues.

I can tell you the exact timeframe when Food and I took an ugly turn. It was the first year of my marriage and I was living in NY and I didn't know a soul and I was soooooo lonely. I was trying to adjust to married life, the huge city and so I would be cooking and munching or we would be going out and eating at all these fabulous restaurants. Now my late husband (RIP) weighted 120 pounds soaking wet with an entire submarine attached to his ankle - so his eating habits were a mute point. Towards the end of our marriage it was a Jack Sprat kinda situation.

Fast forward to his death - I laid out the following things my credit cards and my fridge and like the drug they both are - I began mainlining..both. and I am still feeling the residule of them....both.

All of a sudden I looked up and I was a plus size lady, with regular (because I never considered myself thin) size perception. Like alot of people - I went into deep denial about me weight. (EXAMPLE ONE) I have been blessed with very tight skin - so as I gained weight I just became luscious/rounded/volumpous. I fell in love with my still perky 38C breasts! God blessed my family, stretch marks light and barely noticable, small wrists and ankles, very pretty hands - I was still in love with me - so the body image wasn't distorted YET. I was fustrated all in the same. I glanced over at my mom and she and I were identical twins by this time. I looked at some family photos and I became a part of a triplet set me, my mom, my Aunt. We all were the same height and weighed the same. As merciful as God has been to my family in the way of 'looks' he did curse us one way however - He pointed all of our weight to our.....midsections. We are all short and squatty!!! WTF?! I am 5'2 1/2 and if I were 5'6 - I guess I'd be out of control, so He IS the best knower.

"You Have Type 2 Diabetes" - well there you have it, I'm gonna stroke out or have a heart attack. I got on it - I lost 49 pounds and was doing well. I should have followed the proper order of acceptance because for three years I was on a roll and then I went into deep denial and now my weight and my diabetes are out of control - as I struggle to get it back together.

Lo and Behold - bigger women are being catered to, celebrated and accepted! We got flyyy clothes, we got sexy lingerie, we got beauty pagents and magazine and shows, we got Oprah, Monique, and Queen Latifah looking glamourous and more glamourous!

I still am a BEAUTIFUL WOMAN. My breast sit up without a bra, my end table ass has suddenly gotten some roundness, I have a cutie pie face and I am rocking big cutie pie hair to go with it. Yet, I can do so much better. Why would I get to the pot of gold at the end of my rainbow and then try to kill myself so I can't even enjoy it. I am ashamed that I lost control.

It's a struggle, I need to get dissatisfied, I need to get angry, I need to get some of this weight off! but instead I make chili cheese dog nachos, smile, get cuddles from my man and teach HIGH SELF ESTEEM to my daughter - nobody can see me sweat!

GOD GIVE ME THE STRENGTH TO TAKE BETTER CARE OF MYSELF! (or at least - save up for a tummy tuck)
posted by Pamalicious at 11:24 AM | Permalink | 4 comments
Monday, October 23, 2006
Brainwaves 10/23/06

Monday Musings

Brrrrr - the hawk froze my fingers and it's taken me this long to defrost, lol - How ya'll doing? Hope your weekend went well. Last week, I wrote some long ass entries, so this week - I'll try to be short and sweet, lol UPDATE: Stupid Blogger totally ruined my intended morning post!

Wedding Update - things are coming along nicely! I recovered from the couple of mini-strokes I was having and am back on track. We decided on a hotel which was a major worry of mines. Now I'm just focusing on getting the invitations out the door. Folks are excited, I'm delirious and it's all good.

Tailgating food fit for royalty courtesy of Rachael Ray. Chili Cheese Dog Nachos - reminds me of all that is holy and good about food. Same day, picked up the tread mill - so this was the last supper. UPDATE: I can feel the chlosterol breaking off in my veins! This exercise shit sucks!

Supplies to wash and condition hair - $15.00; 2 pks 100% Human Titled 'Oprah' - $26; feeling sexy and carefree with your do it yourself weave - PRICELESS!

Not really understanding why folks are not feeling Jay-Z, negroes always want folks to stay alongside their broke asses - how assisine does it sound him still rapping about hustling on the streets and he wearing a $500K watch and owning companies and what not - it's called GROWTH - do yo thang Jay-Z Finally I'm feeling it.

Lord help me - I am getting totally wrapped up in the experience that is....DIDDY! Regardless of how the music sounds, you can't help but want to be in the moment with that man. After watching him on 106&Park and then MTV2 all day - CAUN you'll be happy to know, I'm a convert.

Public Letter to Jermaine Dupree: "Um, I am really feeling you and Janet's love, but maybe Virgin isn't the problem here. I know Terry and Jimmy are as comfortable as your best pair of cotton holey drawers, but it might be time to retire them. How can a person who's been on Oprah and every magazine including Car and Detail have an album that flops? Well at least she got her dancing! Personally, since Access Hollywood will be visiting him in the studio next week (and he got on his good makeup and hair) it's just paving the way for the real entertainer to come on back out GO MIKE GO MIKE GO MIKE!"

Well Hawks game tonite and four more days until Mini-me is 13, should be a nice week. See ya'll tomorrow! UPDATE: Hawks lost but we had a good time!
posted by Pamalicious at 2:12 PM | Permalink | 2 comments
Friday, October 20, 2006
Brainwaves 10/20/06

Friday Fandango

PAYDAY! Money Gone! DAYUM! Back to our regularly scheduled programming. Happy Friday Ya'll. SEE YA'LL ON MONDAY!!


posted by Pamalicious at 8:22 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Brainwaves 10/19/06

Conception, Prematurity and Birth

Last nite while I was was getting some (oooooo) - a blog came to me. Well it actually was forced upon me and as I was shifting and shuffling what turned out to be a VERY long day emotionally, into it's proper compartments so I could get wrapped up in the matter at hand, it started to form itself like...conception.

You have to love people and the human spirit, especially when they are attached to your friends. It is their job (if they are sincere) to go to bat for you and bust you upside the head with that same bat if necessary. Out of all the topics that I have addressed, I don't think I've addressed one that on and off is a 'hot' topic among folks, whether they know I know or not and that is.......Are we doing this marriage thang to soon?

On January 20, 2007 in Las Vegas as we stand before family and friends, it will mark one year (give a day we moved it back so as to not be on a Sunday) of CAUN and my first date. At 40 and 38 respectively - we both are of the school of thought that it may seem like a short time to YOU - but based on our life journey it's been a 'long time coming'.

I am of the school of thought and belief that the life cycle of the gestation of a baby in their mothers womb - has many significant meaning. The entire cycle of a woman in general means alot to this universe. I think that all ideas and relationships follow that gestation period. I think that alot of us have adopted the elephant philosophy about things, because we are not sure of our own ability to follow a regular human gestational period.

At three months you start to show - in my world, it ony takes 90 days for someone to reveal themselves to you. The cusp of what and who they are, will come forth in those 90 days. At six months, you have a viable fetus that can survive on it's own - All of the foundation for life is formed and ready to go, you might need to jumpstart it and nurse it for awhile but it is living. At nine months, you have birthed whatever it is you are going to birth. Sure - as it develops and becomes it's own entity you are going to have to nuture and put in place the foundation that will allow it to survive out here in the world, but it's here and it's strong and it's survivable.

You also need to look at what 'genetics' you are bringing to the table and you have got to ascertain what the other person is bringing. If there are deep genetic flaws then you might not want to 'procreate' with that person. It is soo important that as you move through life, you be very aware of the relationship resume you are formulating. Folks remember your past, even if you choose not to and will bring it up to you, sometimes at the most inopportune time. Whatever it is - it might not be that it is WRONG, you just been mixing potions with the wrong chemical balance. All things don't have to end in a huge explosion!

One of the first things I did once CAUN and I realized that we had 'impregnanted' one another was to draw a nice hot bath, light some candles and very gently but determinly wash off all the footprints tatooed on this brothers back. Sometimes I had to get a scraper! He is a whole shade lighter! Now if he has feet on him it ain't cause I'm trying to take advantage of his kindness or drain him dry (well the jury is out about that last statement - wink).

I just want to assure those that are just doing their duty by making sure that old mistakes are not repeated and that nobody has tied up and gagged the man with the red flags, so he can't throw them and pierce our hearts.

The earth is continuously spinning and we have to move forward, we can't predict the future, we can only continue to work on subsiding the fear that attempts to keep us still in an ever moving world. EVERYONE has issues and problems and things they need to improve - it is our job not to assign our personal journey to the journey of others. I don't have that kinda fear. I didn't have it when the most prolific man I've ever been exposed to passed, my daddy and I didn't have it when I sat in a courtroom trying to wrap my mind around why these men stabbed my husband of 10 years 23 times leaving his six month old daughter daddyless and I don't have it now as I get prepared to spend the rest of my life with someone whose chemicals balance quite well with mine - -

I think I'll just paraphase Jigga when I say -

posted by Pamalicious at 8:38 AM | Permalink | 6 comments
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Brainwaves 10/18/06

Wayback Wednesdays

My Momma had her Millie Jackson and I had my....VANITY SIX. It was my first introduction to just being a straight skank, lol. I loved these girls and played their very bad Album all the time. Hmmm the foreparents of the LiL Kims of the world deserve their props. Not to mention 'Jamie Starr' was at his best precussion wise during this period. You can't help but get up and dance to this! By the way - make sure you read this story - Prince was a WILD BOY! ENJOY!

Vanity 6 was a female vocal trio assembled by Prince in the early 1980s. They released one album, which blended the sounds of pop, New Wave, dance music, R&B and funk.

In 1981, Prince presented his high school girlfriend Susan Moonsie, his wardrobe mistress and Boston native Brenda Bennett and his personal assistant Jamie Shoop with an idea: Prince, himself a rising musical star, suggested that his three female friends form a girl group that would be called “The Hookers.”
Ideally to Prince, the three women would perform in lingerie and sing sensual songs with lyrics about sex and fantasy. The original trio recorded a few demos before Prince met Denise Matthews, a nude model and Canadian B-movie actress, in January of 1982. Prince was so taken by Matthews’ charisma that he decided that she would be the perfect front-woman for his “Hookers” project. Around this time, Prince and Matthews began a romantic relationship. With Matthews’ arrival, Shoop bowed out of the group. Prince suggested that Matthews use the stage name “Vagina.” She refused this idea, and instead took up the name “Vanity.”

With the new trio finalised, Prince renamed the group Vanity 6 (the 6 represented the group's breast count). Keeping with Prince’s initial “Hooker” concept, the women were photographed wearing lingerie and high heels, and were written provocative songs to sing (although within the album credits, group members were sometimes given sole writing credits). Their first single, “He’s So Dull,” did not do much on the charts, but did appear in the film National Lampoon's Vacation.
The second single “Nasty Girl” was a hit on both the US R&B chart and US Dance chart (where it hit number one).

“Nasty Girl” still has lasting significance to this day,
In 1983, Vanity recorded a demo for a new song, “Sex Shooter,” and started training for her lead role in Purple Rain opposite Prince. Prior to the shooting of the movie, Vanity decided to leave the Prince camp later in 1983. Many reasons were given for her sudden split with him, including money, the end of their romantic relationship, and, most importantly, having been offered a lucrative solo offer from Motown Records.

Denise Matthews AKA Vanity Website
Other Vanity Information
Vanity Six Tribute Page

Vanity was replaced in Purple Rain by Patty Kotero, who would later use the stage name Apollonia. She also inherited the lead role in Vanity 6, which was renamed Apollonia 6, alongside Bennett and Moonsie. The new trio recorded one album in 1984 that went on to outsell the Vanity 6 album, mainly on the strength of Apollonia’s newfound fame, thanks to her movie role and its popularity.
In the years since the group’s breakup, Matthews renounced her Vanity persona and music and became a born again Christian. Susan Moonsie married actor David Garfield in the 90’s. David died in the late 1990s.

Born Patricia Kotero on August 2, 1959 in Santa Monica, California, Apollonia Kotero is a swimsuit model, actress and singer of Italian and Mexican descent. She joined Prince's entourage after the departure of Vanity, Denise Matthews, as lead in the film Purple Rain and as lead-singer of recording group Vanity 6.

The newly renamed Apollonia 6 released one album in October, 1984 and released the hit single "Sex Shooter". The band became famous for appearing on stage in lingerie only. Although the album is credited to a producer named Jamie Starr, it has always been obvious that the album was completely produced by Prince himself.

Susan Moonsie from Minneapolis was Prince's High School girlfriend.
She became a member of Vanity 6 in 1982. Susan was given a "teenage Lolita" image by Prince and he knocked her age back to 16 for shock value. Susan and Brenda joined Patty Kotero as Apollonia 6 in 1984 while filming Purple Rain. In addition to 'Private Joy', Prince's hit "When Doves Cry" was inspired by his relationship with Susan.

Brenda Bennett is an American singer from Boston, Massachusetts, USA who married Prince's set-designer Roy Bennett, and then became Prince's "wardrobe mistress". Prince gave her a "tough-girl, cigarette-smoking" persona and enlisted her in a girlgroup that he was attempting to create, Vanity 6 in 1982.
posted by Pamalicious at 8:43 AM | Permalink | 5 comments
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Brainwaves 10/17/06

Fragments of My Mind

Well I crawled in today - not quite sure if I'm actually here outside of physically. It was raining, my first full rain in DQ but we trudged on through splattering raindrops left and right. The infiniti sound system making it seem like I was at a concert for one. I am feeling it! My thought process is incomplete therefore there will be snippets of this incompleteness in the blog today.

Received a wonderful gift from MAMA CAUN yesterday!! This really set me in the bridal mood. What attention to detail. It says Pam and Reggie - 1/20/07 A Forever Love. I also received a call from my nephew who is six and who explained that he knows all about weddings and could he be the one to bear the rings OR could he be the one to sing "Here Comes The Bride". Of course I told him he could be the Ring Bearer so now Chocolate Baby Pound Cake will be the flowergirl with back up duties as the ring bearer. I didn't include any family because quite frankly - they aren't really known for showing up and traveling like that and I didn't want to scramble cause they were no shows. Well apparently they are showing. No problem. This weekend formal Engagement Pictures (just a very small set, um besides us and our mommas, who wants these, lol I need them for some things I'm doing for the wedding) and begin printing the invitations.

Hip Hop a Hibbie a Hibbie to the Hip Hop Rocker You Don't Stop a Rocking to the Bang Banb Boogie Say Upchuck the Boogie To The Rhythm of The Boogie To Be - tonite is the 3rd Annual VH-1 Hip Hop Honors (9pm est). I can't wait. I still have the first two on my DVR and will watch them, lol. I can feel my ears being weighed down with my door knockers as we speak. Vh-1 Soul (GOD I love that channel!) has been only showing old school Hip Hop all weekend. I have smurfed and Kid and Played and Wopped my back out. This year I have the pleasure of watching it with CAUN - therefore we will be moving the couch and table out the way. Too bad during the actual time period I was WHICK WHICK WACK, lol lol

Another Television Note: Wednesday, Oct 18th is the First Annual Black Movie Awards beginning at 8pm on TNT - Hosted by Tyler Perry, this should be hot!

This morning on The Steve Harvey Show - they asked whether or not, as a married couple, you should receive calls from folks of the opposite sex. Now this show is geared towards an adult audience and everyone was like Hell to the Naw (well a few people said it was okay only to be heckled). Maybe I'm just on the other side of stupid, but I really just don't get it. I am 40 years old and have not lived in a bubble for these years. I've actually made friendships and acquaintances over the years. I am always upfront concerning who these folks are. Does that mean I have to stop talking to them? I just can't imagine that everyone is out to try to get in where they fit in. I mean CAUN has had females call his phone and he sits right there and speaks to them. I don't mind. Just last nite Italy called on the house phone we talked about 20 minutes - just updating each other. Now I don't know maybe I don't understand it because all of my male friends live out of town. I just think it's kinda stupid to 'require' folks to act as if they know no other people. Now no I wouldn't give my number out today to a man talking about I got a new friend - that's not cool - but if I have known you and my mate knows about you, which he does - I don't see a problem. Far as I'm concerned it's not even those people your mate would be cheating with, lol What I learned from watching "Cheaters" If you already think it, it's probably going on, lol and you don't need a camera crew to prove it.

I don't talk about this often, but I'm looking forward to being a step-mom. Nobody said it was gonna be easy and so far it's non-existent, but I grew up in a household where those distinctions were not made - therefore I won't be making them in my home. I wish I could be given a chance to get to better know and bond and incorporate that aspect into my life. I wish that as adults - we would think and react in the best interest of peace and more importantly peace of mind. I feel 'funny' that I've been conviced and hung without a fair trial. I'm alot of things, but I'm not a bad person nor parent. I'm laying back in the cut because that's the place I should be in now - but I just wish..............

Speaking of No-Fly Blog Zones: Ya'll know there are certain things I'll only gloss over or not speak about at all. You ask why? Because they are just sensitive topics and the reprecussions of projecting against someone else - I don't want the drama. I am repelling drama currently. Now who knows I may keep getting the gumption and just go for it but as of today the following topics are:

  • My Sex Life - suffice it to say, I'm VERY happy

  • My Mom in Detail - because either I'm going to talk about her professionally or personally and I choose the professional and don't want the two to blend like they do....with me

  • My Gig - What's the point? Only to run my blood pressure up?

I'm having hair apathy!! My hairdresser deserted me and Mini-me. I am devasated. She just went out of business and didn't call or anything. Then when I finally do reach her - she is trying to open a salon somewhere else or whatever! Do you know how long it took me to trust someone in Mini-me's head. So seeing as hair has always been my hobby - I have been a DIY kinda gal. I actually (and Mini-me confirmed it) have been doing her hair quite well. She's satisfied...for now. Now on my own head, I was rocking braids and then moved to pieces and wigs and now I'm weaving. Yea I'm doing it myself. It's really not that hard. I'm one of those people who can do alot to my own head but not much to someone elses, lol. I can braid and cornrow my own head, but don't ask me to do that to Mini-me's, lol Maybe cause I'm left handed - the braids come out funny on someone elses head. So now I'm rocking a curly head of hair - mixed flawlessly with my own (I know because nobody even noticed,lol) I think I'll be rocking these quick weaves for a minute. I might as well with the wedding three months away. I am going to get my hair pinned up in twists for the wedding and Mini-me will be getting the same style. "Janet" is a licensed make up artist, but noone coming is a hairdresser and I just don't need the hassle.

I've found a whole slew of new personal slant blogs that I am reading and catching up no their lives. I'll be updating my blog roll shortly cause some folks have drifted off and I'd like to celebrate those that are writing on the regular.

Mind Currently Empty...............
posted by Pamalicious at 11:19 AM | Permalink | 3 comments
Monday, October 16, 2006
Brainwaves 10/16/06

Monday Musings

Hmmm – well these aren’t Monday MORNING musings, lol I am home today and that’s all I’ll say about that, lol

This weekend was nice and calm. We ended up not going to the Hockey Game, Mini-me has been slightly sick all weekend – she rarely gets sick, but when she does it kinda knocks her out.

Saturday, I totally enjoyed myself out and about with the Bridesmaids. I made up official invitations and the program and I’m not gonna lie, I have carried them around with me all weekend – even have them by the bed. I’m sooo excited!!!

Life at the Magnegro home is just going well. We move around in here on a daily basis together but giving each other some kinda room. Funny my household was flowing before – but this is different, yet the same.

Why does Charles in Charge have a E! Hollywood Story? LOL LOL Daytime TV – a complete trip, but not as much of a ride as that Hot Mess Flava Flav last evening. I got all kinds of links for ya’ll. Well Deelicious won (is that something to be proud of?) but NY really won seeing as she is the new Flavarette. Was Flav Crying?! I don’t think there will be another Flav, but now I gotta get new disguises and watch this Flavarette when it comes on. Deelicious has a Myspace and a Website (check out her pictures in the VIP preview section) NY has a myspace page as well. By looking at the friends you can get to other Flav girls sites. I’m not really interested in this next wave of celebreality – Ahhh that’s freeing up my schedule to read.

I finally finished my first Urban Novel and it wasn’t so bad. Got kinda tired of the way the hustler negroes were portrayed, but what do I know, maybe they do run lines and game like that. I will continue reading them.

I was on Blackvoices and saw this – Young Black and Fabulous, Crunk and Disorderly, Concrete Loop , Cake and Ice Cream got them saying stuff like this WTF?

"Why wait on a blog to tell you what your favorite celebs are doing? Check out BV's Entertainment Newswire and get the latest gossip and news on black Hollywood." Score one for the BLOGS BABY!!!!

Rosie O'Donnell might get a spin off of her Nip/Tuck Character - this might actually be interesting.

Well let me get on up out of here. My boiled eggs for salad are ready.......
posted by Pamalicious at 1:24 PM | Permalink | 6 comments
Friday, October 13, 2006
Brainwaves 10/13/06

Friday Fandango!

Brrrrr - the Hawk is starting to take some test runs! It was definately a bit nippy this morning. So glad Friday is here. This has been quite a 'not giving a damn' kinda week you know where and I can't wait to get up out of here. Friday the 13t it is, now isn't it wonder what wacko is going to take advantage of the folklore and do something crazy today.

My mind, for some reason, has been collecting some questions:

  • If when your legs and your ankle run together it's called Cankles - exactly what is that called when your ass and back of your thigh are seamless? You've seen it - there is no roundness to separate your ass from the back of your thigh - yet you have ass and hips. You can always see a panty line, because they stop at where your ass should be rounded - always looks nasty to me - poor things.

  • Why is the little boy that has begun walking Mini-me to the car looking like a young Terrell Owens. He has the most brillant smile

  • Why am a scared shitless at the future of Mini-me, CAUN, Me and....boys

  • Why do I actually feel a twinge of hate that she's going to bring all the boys to the yard and I never got that kinda attention

  • Why do I feel like I want to just fight some broads?

  • Why do I want to do a anon blog so I can really talk about some things?

  • Why did Mini-me find my My Space page and I felt compelled to delete it? As soon as I asked for my password, which speaks to how often I went over there, lol

  • Why in Class last night - I identified myself as practicing Psychological Egotist

  • If I get one more email with a Due Date on it - will I give birth....to an asswhippin?

  • When exactly is someone going to really go off and tell me they don't give a DAMN about how happy I am and fuck me and CAUN

  • Why have I been dreaming of giving CAUN a son?

So last nite I'm standing at the bookstore just browsing, when this Brother and his son come up. They are talking about books and what not and I am listening, because they sound quite knowledgable. Then he turns to me and says "This Author is really good" and I go "He sure is, I've actually read and own all of his work so far" and he goes "Thank you" and immediately I put two and two together (and had to laugh cause I would do some self promoting shit like that too) it was Travis Hunter. We chatted for a moment and I made sure that I let him know that I am very excited that Brothers are writing. His new book comes out on the 24th.

So tonite is Hockey, Thrashers vs somebody - chillin in the Suite. (I wonder if I could just throw some ice on somebody and blame it on the game, lol). CAUN is exposing us to different things and I like that.

Ya'll have a smackdown weekend and let me leave yah with something that can be used for Halloween - - PEACE!

posted by Pamalicious at 8:38 AM | Permalink | 1 comments
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Brainwaves 10/12/06

Feelings..Nothing More Than Feelings

The other night I sat up and watched CAUN sleep by the light of his brite ass cell phone (yea don't act like at some point you haven't sat up and just looked at your mate sleeping, lol ) I just marveled at the structure of his shoulders and back. That's my thing - the rear view of a man, lol. I want to see his shoulders his back, his ass and the back of his thighs and legs. Ya'll know that in my eyes the blackman is the greatest creature ever made, so looking at the slow rising and falling of his smooth beautiful black skin was damn near spiritual. Something else came to my mind as well however, the 'Feelings' of a relationship.

As we know, feelings are a tricky thing. We spent alot of time trying to hide the fact that we have them, especially when it comes to the opposite sex. If a man ain't hard all the time - something is wrong, if a woman is not stern - something is wrong. But in the glow of the cellphone - a whole bunch of feelings surfaced in me. Feelings I have yet to really be able to verbalize. I feel so torn as to how to properly express myself about where I am in my life at this time. I just....feel.

The first thing that overwelms me is the level of PEACE I currently have. It surrounds me and cradles me daily. When you walk into my house - it relaxes you. When I sleep at night it rocks me gently. Peace is such an available but hard thing to acquire. I'm a much more gentler person - part of what I have wanted to do was to take off the overcoat of multiplicity, that as a woman we sometimes have to wear. I was...tired and CAUN came and took that coat off of me and wrapped me in colorful feathers. I barely have a blood pressure at this point. I can pick and choose what aggravates me as opposed to having it assigned to me. CAUN has a new level of peace as well. Everyone has that 'thang' that 'thang' that they pride themselves in and ain't nothing wrong if yours is about your sex - but mine is about the fact that I bring peace to a mans life. CAUN has relaxed and that's a beautiful thang. The shift of his stress has lightened up his shoulders and the bounce in his step is different. His sleep patterns are different. Freeing up his spirit has been something to see. I maintain my conviction that if a man can leave his home and be at peace and come back to in and enter into peace - he will give you the world. When CAUN opens the door, he is greeted excitely by both Mini-me and myself (I've taken to calling his name in the tune of Flava Flav) - you have NO IDEA how just something simple like acknowledging that you missed your man (mate) and you are HAPPY to see them makes them feel and in turn how you benefit from that.

Another feeling that I am experiencing is FREEDOM, I was raised to be free - but like everyone else, I placed shackles on myself. Heavy Heavy shackles that caused me to shuffle when I walked. At different points in time I've broken free only to be recaptured again - well after last year I have set myself free. Now freedom does come with a price and some of it is calculated freedom and some of it is shaky freedom. I was a stress sponge - I would ingest things projected at me and make them mine - I've given back almost everyone's isues back to them and it's certainly freed me up. I am now protecting myself and that is freeing in itself. I have several people currently tapping into my reserves with their issues and whining and problems and what not and I'm listening, offering and cancelling it out of my long term memory. I have always wondered about whether it's wrong to say that with freedom comes a carefree and don't care type of attitude but it does. I just ain't plussed like I used to be. If a person says something that taps on the door to my nerves, I'm shifting so that they miss. It's on you, it ain't on me. The biggest hurdle has been, of course, dealing with the family but I've always had my 'views' and now I am just a sounding board - my views at this point are not going to change - I'm doing me and part of freedom I'm discovering is the preservation of you.

A most powerful feeling and the last one I think I can kinda verbalize is..LOVE - whew ya'll just really don't know, you think you know, but you really don't know, lol lol lol I've been in love before - but ya'll this is different. I think to quote India Arie - I am ready to love and is just washing over me like a waterfall (obviously when I get to saying corny shit like that I mean it, lol). I have spent so many years overpondering relationships - assigning start and finish dates to them and just basically overanalyzing shit - not this time - there is so much I can't even remember, it's all so fuzzy to me. CAUN asks me all the time "when did you know you loved me?" Can't quite say, lol I know that I just looked up and I was in a situation where my number one issue was being addressed full on - I was WANTED and NEEDED. I couldn't do anything but love him after that. We are in tune to one another, protective of each others spirit, consoling of each others sorrow and pain and intertwined within our souls. I have settled quite nicely into the socket in his chest where I'm suppose to be...as...his...rib.

Now believe you me there's still work to be done, we are ever evolving and I'll be dong maintenance and tuneups for the rest of my life but 2006 can definately be identified as my stride culminating on January 20, 2007 - continuing, God Willing, forever.
posted by Pamalicious at 10:27 AM | Permalink | 2 comments
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Brainwaves 10/11/06

WayBack Wednesdays


Ok when I tell ya'll that I loved me some El Debarge, please don't take that lightly, a HUGE deciding factor in the choosing of Mini-Me's Father was because he favored him, lol. I remember waiting in line for hours at Greenbriar for the autograph session. I still have his Autograph. I felt a kindered spirit seeing as we are born on the same day (Al B. Sure and Angelina Jolie are as well but I digress,lol). Fast forward to 2006 - apparently, they still have a strong following. Here is the very active Yahoogroup, and for your viewing pleasure - here is Chico's Myspace, Bunny's Myspace and MOMMA DEBARGE got a Website! Here you can see all 50+ of her Grandkids!!!!!! Well enjoy the Wednesday Wayback Moment - I sure am!

DeBarge was an American R&B and soul music group. Hailing from Grand Rapids, Michigan, the group is named for their shared surname, and included the brothers Mark, James, Randy, and Eldra (or "El"), and their sister Bunny. They signed with the Motown label in the 1970s, and became one of their few successful acts during the 1980s.

Originally known as "The DeBarges", the group issued its self-titled debut album in 1981, which was a commercial disappointment. The next year saw the release of All This Love, which was a success, reaching gold-selling status. "I Like It" and "All This Love" were the major hits from this album, with the former single reaching #1 on the US R&B charts. El DeBarge's verse from the chorus ("I like the way you comb your hair/and I like the stylish clothes you wear") became an oft-repeated line in hip hop and R&B songs during the following two decades.

1983 saw the release of In a Special Way, another gold album for DeBarge, featuring the hits "Be My Lady", "In A Special Way" (another US #1 R&B hit), "Time Will Reveal" also done by Boyz ll Men acapella in 2004, "Stay With Me" and "A Dream". The final section of "Stay With Me" later became one of the most famous samples in hip-hop and R&B, with The Notorious B.I.G. ("One More Chance [Remix]"), Mary J. Blige ("Don't Go"), and Ashanti ("Foolish") all making use of the sample for their own hit singles.

In 1985, DeBarge had its biggest hit with the Diane Warren-penned "Rhythm of the Night", the main single from both the gold Rhythm of the Night album and the Motown/Tri-Star Pictures motion picture The Last Dragon. Other hit singles from Rhythm of the Night included "Who's Holding Donna Now?" and "You Wear it Well", which he performed with the cast of The Facts of Life during a guest appearance on the show as himself.

After the release of a 1986 greatest hits LP, El DeBarge left the group for a solo career. The final DeBarge album, 1987's Bad Boys, featured Bobby and Tommy added to the lineup, but Bunny left the group the same year. DeBarge finally disbanded in 1989, though the members would continue to perform together on occasion until Bobby's death from complications resulting from AIDS in 1995

posted by Pamalicious at 8:23 AM | Permalink | 3 comments
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Brainwaves 10/10/06

With This Blog - I Thee Share

"I wish you would write a cookbook and I'd help you promote it - but if you can't write porn then you won't write" "I don't write porn" "Well if you can't write romantic nonsense or that blog diary then you won't write" "I have quite a following on my blog and it serves it's purpose in my life" "You probably don't have time to write in that thing" "Yes I do, I have a fan base and I schedule time to write" "I give up"

Ho Hum - Above is a conversation with moms. We have these conversations ever so often about alot of things and they usually go the same way. The most frequent however is about my writing. Now as of this date, I haven't written anything pornographic on this site, lol I used to write erotic short stories wayy back in the day when yahoogroups was jumping. I have all of my stories and they are still relevant today, but Zane (bless her heart) has made most of us sick and tired of eroticism - so I pass. I have another manuscript that needs to be made current with some editing but it's still relevant as well. It is geared toward about the only market that has some breathing room in the African American Dispora and that's Young women between the ages of 12-18, that market is sorely lacking in quality, interesting work by blacks for blacks. Now that's something I might complete, but as with alot of things in my life - I do them at my own accord.

About this blogging thing. Sometimes (ok alot of times), I wish that black people would spend a few moments wrapping their minds around at least one thing a day they have no understanding of. Do you know how far that might take our people? When I was introduced to blogging, quite by accident, by Rod 2.0 - I declared him my blogfather and I jumped into the scene head first. This was the perfect medium for me. I could spend a little time listening to myself talk and taking my own development to the next level. After THIRTY YEARS of diaries, it was time to let my voice be heard. That's all a blog is a written representation of your voice. Even if you don't have anything to talk about, it allows you to speak. For the personal blogger - it's the cheapest form of therapy out there. I am a believer that there is no new information out there - it's all been diseminated. It's up to you to find what you need. So blogging allows you to do that. Sometimes, when you 'speak' the answer reveals itself to you. I have seen some powerful and I mean powerful relevation over the year or so I've been on the scene. Stuff that has actually produced tears of joy and tears of sorrow. Writing about your life, even corners of your life is about as open as you can get. It's purer, because for instance, in a discussion group - there's always someone projecting their 'methods' upon yours. Sometimes you just want to live within what you live within and don't really give a fuck about how somebody else might do it.

I know that there's no telling (regardless of all the trackers you can put up) who is reading your work. I put my link up daily on my IM. As we know, just cause you delete someone, doesn't mean they have deleted you - I've been my screen name for six years now - Lawd who might be taking the time to read my stuff, lol There might be family members, though I will admit, I don't readily give out that information to them, I must maintain my M.O. in that family,lol. I know some folks from the job tune in sometimes and I know 'Highschool' members lurk and then there are my regulars like Aziza, Enigma and Monica (thanks ladies). And as with the networking of black bloggers, we all list each other and so there are folks who mosey on over just because I'm on someone list of who to read and I appreciate the love.

Karsh wrote an intriguing piece about where black blogging should go or needs to go. I find it interesting, or maybe I just haven't found, that unlike in our music etc. our sexuality is not being paraded around the blogworld. I read alot of blogs and some mention experiences sometimes, but I haven't yet run into an x-rated hetrosexual blog (I need to make that distinction) and as soon as I said this I need to be corrected Freakygoodman and Confessions of a Serial Dater are the two men who go that route. I think that we need to get better acquainted with one another - lay in the bottom of the ship and learn each others language. We are still a separate entity from mainstream bloggers (i.e. keeblers) and the most 'spice' is around our entertainment bloggers. As a personal blogger, I want some love too, lol lol I think an association, where we can identify our genre, meet others who write and weed out the I will update every two months folks would be great.

So you know what, I am a writer. My work is published Monday-Friday. I speak to an audience. I speak to myself. It satisfies the writer in me. I'll stop when it stops.
posted by Pamalicious at 9:44 AM | Permalink | 1 comments
Monday, October 09, 2006
Brainwaves 10/9/06

Monday Musings

Chicken Noodle Soup, Chicken Noodle Soup, Chicken Noodle Soup with a soda on the side - -- How Ya'll Be? It's getting nippy here in the ATL, this upcoming weekend I guess I need to pull the winter clothes bags out. This is not exciting on one hand, cause I think I gave alway all my clothes so I'll be rocking NOTHING and exciting on another cause all my boots are coming out of storage. Everyone knows I'm a boot whore so I anticipate walking tall. We also need to go find some wood and crank up the fireplace. I hope CAUN knows what he's doing in that area - or you'll see us on the news, lol We have a nice piece of fake fur that we call 'Decafur' and we can't wait to sit by the fire.

A good non-eventful weekend. Went to a flea market. It was huge and I was chafing at the bit to get up in there only to be massively disappointed. Man sometimes 'my peeps' can be such pains in the ass! They don't understand the concept of flea market, it is not to get back what you paid, it is to liquidate to make room for new shit. I ain't paying $50 for nothing that is sitting outside in a parking lot on the ground. Get a grip! I did score 250 ivory cards for $3.00 - lots I can do with them for the wedding and beyond.

Speaking of, wedding planning going fine. This paycheck (a process in the plan your wedding around your checks method) was about invitations. I got all the paper and accessories. Now it's template time. I'm playing with wording etc. etc. for the invite as well as the program. I hope to have these bad boys in the mail by October 20th - that gives folks three solid months to get back to me. I guesstimate, 35 people, but you never know. Otherwise, I looked at CAUN a ring and that's about it. Funny, but I would probably be much busier if I were having it here, because now it's just up to me to actually buy something. I'm getting it slowly but surely. I'm holding off on my dress as long as humanly possible, but I guess I should stop the illusion that I'm gonna lose some astromonical amount of weight and get the dress. I will lose some, but let's stop playing, lol

Well "DQ" has Sirrius. I called in on Friday to get it activated, it's only $12.95 a month. Imagine my surprise when the man from India on the phone told me that apparently the previous owners had purchased a years plan in advance in April, so I had it FREE until April 2007!!!!!!! Oh yea!! The blessing for the Magnegroes (Bet you didn't know CAUN has a last name, lol CAUN MAGNEGRO - his offical Xman Name. As we know mine is just STORMEKA and yes we will be getting these names engraved in our bands, lol). Niceeeeeee - we are quite enjoying it. I am putting up all my CD's in the attic - between this and the IPOD, I'm set.

Speaking of - As a member of the Ipodian Nation, I have discovered a few things. When you have an IPOD you become a couple of things: (1) Stuck in the past, I mean you have basically created the greatest list of songs of your life and they usually have already come out and it's very hard (at least for me) to add some of the newer stuff. I have been sitting on several CD's and just haven't put them on the IPOD as of yet. (2) You become stuck in singleville. Whole CD's are a thing of the past - you have everything from an artist you would ever need, so why do I need your entire CD. There are, hmmm, approximately 5 Complete CD's on my IPOD: Will Downing's Moods, Waiting to Exhale Soundtrack, Love Jones Soundtrack, Justin Timberlake's Justified, Chante Moore's first CD. DeAngelo's First CD, Otherwise there are just compilations of folks, I don't count Best of EnVogue cause it's a compilation. I have about 600 songs out of the 1000 and I'd rather just quickly download some singles of the new stuff, plop it into the What's Poppin Folder and call it a day.

However, I finally listened to a couple of CD's.

  • Beyonce: Birthday - Hmmm, there are a couple of nice cuts on this thing, I'm glad it's a short CD. I likes me some Beyonce and so I give this a B

  • Justin Timberlake: Sexywhatever - I miss Pharrell. Timberland did okay but I'm not one that's too keen on 'concept albums' - Rhythm Nation excluded. I liked the more smoothness that Pharrell brought to the table, however, there are about three cuts that I really enjoy so I give it a C.

  • Janet: 20 y.o. - Right off the bat - what in sam hell is she saying?! DAMN! I feel like Janet is at a point where she been dealing with the same hairdresser since the 80's and she been doing the same bouffant and everytime Janet asks for something different, she might make an additional swirl, but it's the same damn hairstyle. Even Jermaine couldn't really put out what Janet needed - cause her sound is so shall we say unique. I like three songs and I am more enthralled by the liner notes to Jermaine than the entire Cd combined: "I worship the ground you walk on. First there is God and then there's you" GO HEAD GIRL! I think I might say that to CAUN at the wedding, lol.

  • Danity Kane - My Surprise hit! I like this CD! I'm so totally a sucker for that poppy sound, lol. Mini-me kept telling me it was okay, and I finally listened to it. It might end up on the IPOD.

Well this week shouldn't be so busy - I'm proud of myself, I turned in all my homework on time and it made sense, lol lol

posted by Pamalicious at 11:31 AM | Permalink | 1 comments
Friday, October 06, 2006
Brainwaves 10/6/05

Friday Fandango

It's Friday and you know I Keep it light! Enjoy your weekend and let me leave you with some of my personal eyecandy. As well as his Stats and his myspace page - it's really his and He is speaking of himself as straight! He makes my liver quiver AND he sang backup for Tyrese - Whoo Lawd!!

Also check out KeithBoykin and Rod 2.0 for all the hot information on Noah's ARC (just figured out the ARC stands for Alex, Ricky and Chase)

posted by Pamalicious at 10:06 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Brainwaves 10/5/06

Normality Resumed

When I am out of the office it throws my entire schedule off. Well I'm back to my version of normality and it's still off kilter, lol. I coordinate and execute this meeting two times a year and it's always alot and full of drama - but then I pine for event planning for a few days afterwards. This year was something new however, because I didn't have to incorporate alternate child care issues etc. because I got a CAUN!!!! Brother picked her up took her to therapy and just made me really thankful. Even Mini-me was like 'this two parent thing ain't so bad after all' - hell as long as she being taken care of, lol

So Durango Quintavious (All my vehicles are men and have ghetto names) and I are getting along fine. I can't even front - this is the most luxury vehicle he and I both have ever had in our possession. It's a Dodge Durango and it's like fully loaded. I have been trying to read the owners manual and figure out some of the stuff in that bad boy. It was quite a sunny day yesterday as I drove down 85 with the back windshield wiper just a going, lol I've figured out the "Negro Neccessary" stuff i.e. Programming the radio, loading up the six CD's, maneuvering the sunroof, lol. I 'think' I got the heating/cooling system worked out and I can move the seats. I need to figure out how to work the key because we can program each one to our specficiations - including radio stations. Friday - we'll be activating the Sirrius that came with the ride. Now He's sitting outside for now - because the entire garage mechinism fell Monday Night. We had been having problems with it and I think all the continuous opening and closing loosened it out the ceiling. "DQ" fits in the garage fine and we can open the doors. Glad I got it before we filled up the garage with junk, lol lol I am going to organize and market the newest fitness craze: The SUV workout. DAYUM! Come on can't you see it? All that lifting and pulling and balancing is a great workout. I mean stand behind it and do the lifting of those heavy ass trunk doors. One foot up on the side and do a series of pullups as you try to get in. I see me making a ton of money!

Hmmm what else is going on? Oh I haven't spoken about the new television season at all. Put my HVAC suit in the cleaners Monday in anticipation of the Season Finale of Flava Flav. We are down to Delicious and New York. You know when I think about it - NY is no different than alot of sistas who will place themselves repeatly in the path of a moving car, each time thinking - I know it's gonna swerve. Alot of sistas been in her situation just not on televisions. So while we are going back to our babies daddy over and over with the same results - NY just doing hers on the little screen, lol. I'mma bring a nice cast iron skillet in the living room - cause I want all that egg that's gonna be on her face for a nice chicken and tomato omelet. Nip/Tuck is back to it's regular slot to the LEFT of all that is holy and sane, lol. Sanaa Lathan is playing her role real demure - I DVR'ed Sundays and have yet to watch it - but I was told, I would need to pull out my seat belts. My only thing is all this screwing Christian is doing - he sure look like he got a little whacker, lol lol His stroke is sure not long and smooth, lol. America's Next Top Model is all about Tyra's Lacefronts! Her hair is BANGIN this season. I need to figure out how to rock that. Well with the wicked witch of the west gone - we can see if now we can get down to some modeling. Ms. Jay is my hero! 'She' is really shining this season! Twiggy needs to be beat about the neck and shoulders with a bag of nickels!! RODDDDDDDDDD - please tell me that last nights Noah's Arc is just like a mid-season finale and it's coming back in a month or so?! What in the world?! WAS NOAH NOT ROCKING THOSE WHITE BOOTS LAST NIGHT!!!! AGAIN WAS NOAH NOT ROCKING ALL OF THAT LAST NIGHT!! I haven't really been doing alot of reality like before. Lost interest in Survivor, Amazing Race and some other stuff. Missed Heroes, but that's on my radar. They should have paid Toni Childs some money to come on for two episodes of Girlfriends, I hate when they do the 'imaginary' cast member. Everyone looked good - I hope this is the year Lynn gets her life together. Dayum!

Finally, shameless plug. My Brother makes handcrafted furniture in the Philadelphia/NJ area. Goodbeds is the name and here is a sample of his work. Anyone interested - hit me up on the email or in the comments and I'll forward his information to you.

Oh and did you not LOVE that trip down memory lane with Shalamar yesterday?!
posted by Pamalicious at 9:21 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Brainwaves 10/4/06

Way Back Wednesdays

Shalamar was an American music group of the 1970s and 1980s that was originally a disco-driven vehicle created by Soul Train booking agent Dick Griffey.

Their first hit was the 1977 Motown-inspired production "Uptown Festival", whose success inspired Griffey to replace his sessioneers with vocalists Jody Watley, Jeffrey Daniel, and Howard Hewett (the latter replacing short-time member Gerald Brown) in 1978.

The group was hooked up with legendary R&B producer Leon Sylvers III in 1979, signed with Griffey's SOLAR Records and scored a U.S. million seller with "The Second Time Around" (#1 US R&B, #8 US Pop).

In the UK the group had a string of hits with songs such as "Take That To The Bank" (1978), "I Owe You One" (1980) and 1982's "I Can Make You Feel Good", "A Night To Remember", "There It Is" and "Friends". The album of the same title Friends was also a big seller in the UK in 1982 crossing the genres of pop, disco and soul. The band's record sales in the UK increased dramatically when Daniel demonstrated his body-popping dancing skills on BBC Television's music programme, Top of the Pops.

The group took a knock when both Watley and Daniel left the band over artistic arguments with the SOLAR record label, prior to the release of their next album The Look in the spring of 1983. Nonetheless, the album wielded a number of UK hit singles including "Disappearing Act", and "Over And Over". The album itself moved Shalamar into a more rock/disco field, with rock guitars to the fore. But The Look generally was not the success that Friends had been the previous year.

With a mid 1980s line-up change with Delisa Davis and Micki Free, Shalamar returned to the U.S. Top 20 in 1984 with "Dancing In The Sheets" from Footloose and they won a Grammy for "Don't Get Stopped In Beverly Hills" from Beverly Hills Cop in 1985.

But when Hewett left for a solo career in 1986, and was replaced by Sydney Justin, the band faded into obscurity.

The most successful of the classic trio was Watley, who, with former Prince sidekick André Cymone, made classy solo albums and found success with her own singles, which included 1987's "Looking For A New Love", 1989's "Friends", and 1994's "When A Man Loves A Woman". She rejoined with Hewett and Daniels, plus LL Cool J, on Babyface's 1996 single "For The Lover In You"; a cover of a hit single from Shalamar's 1980 LP Three For Love. Watley was also one of the American singers to perform on the original Band Aid record.

Shalamar scored a total of three gold albums in America during their heyday - with Big Fun, Three For Love (which eventually went platinum) and Friends.

I still think Jeffrey Daniels could get it,lol - Let me get to my meeting - enjoy! (I will be rocking them in the car - oh excuse me - TRUCK this morning)

posted by Pamalicious at 6:20 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Brainwaves Continued 10/3/06


How do I thank you? I guess by Thanking God. u r His gift to me and I praise His name

Love Pam
- Daily Text to CAUN (He gets one of Love Motivation from me daily - I'm his Reverend Run)
posted by Pamalicious at 6:16 AM | Permalink | 3 comments
Monday, October 02, 2006
Brainwaves 10/3/06

The Wedding Gift

I came home - I was taken to the Dealership - my early wedding present! Queue in the engagement ring commercial:


posted by Pamalicious at 11:29 PM | Permalink | 2 comments
Brainwaves 10/2/06

Perfect time of the year

Hey folks! This is a speed blog because I got alot on my plate today. This is where that 85wpm definately comes in handy and the ability to type off the top of my head.

Atlanta was BEAUTIFUL this weekend! I love this time of year, where it starts off cool and eventually heats up. I ride with the window down - fall blowing in the wind (I need to do a whole blog on my hair woes). Clears the sinus' right up, lol.

This weekend was a great one! Me and the Fam spent every waking moment together for the most part and enjoyed it all. We hit the streets early on Saturday morning to go downtown to enjoy the Parade of Academic Excellance in honor of it being Atlanta Classic Weekend. Another reason I like this time of year is because it's parade season. Mini-me has been going since she was in a stroller - so we look forward to this time. I can't wait till I'm standing off MLK enjoying the festivities, lol We then just hung out all day. When I tell you we left the house at about 9:45am and didn't return till about 9:00pm - I ain't lying. Also when I tell you that because we have been SOOOO blessed with gift cards and other little treats - that all that time we spent NO MONEY. Believe that! I mean we hung out a whole day on gift cards, certificates and other blessings. Amazing! Just enjoying our town. We went out to the Towne Center area and explored, window shopped etc. etc. Just a good day. Now by 10:00 we all were konked out but that's another story, lol

Sunday I just chilled - took that time to go get the nails done and some grocery shopping. It feels WONDERFUL to have these little jaunts and just be with me and my head. I actually ran across my journal and realized I hadn't written anything since July. I am going to be starting that back - I need to speak to myself again.

My Maid of Honor - "Janet" is really coming through for a sista - I loves that gal. She found the invitations I wanted on clearance for $14.95 marked down from $39.99!! So she bought them for me and the programs. Now I don't know what I'm putting in the programs, but I'll make them cute. I also expanded my registry at Linens and Things. I had did it online - but I wanted to play with the gun (lol) and look at what I had. I also am getting a bit nervous about the sucess of our other registry - we have a honeymoon registry. That is where you actually help us by your gift being different parts of the actual honeymoon. Well I do know my audience and I do know that folks like giving something 'tangible' - my internet savvy and folks I've mentioned it to will get the whole concept - but I don't want to alienate anyone - so we walked around and put some other things that we do need on the Linens and Things Registry.

Sooo - today begins my three day stint at an Atlanta Area Hotel for a meeting. I love meeting planning (ought to go into it) and so I'll be in my zone for the next three days. Don't worry I'll still be blogging - I said I'm back and I mean it!

Well ya'll have a good week - I gotta run home and change these shoes - cute=crippling toe pain, is not gonna work on those long ass hotel halls, so I gotta run home first, lol lol
posted by Pamalicious at 10:37 AM | Permalink | 0 comments